
I have solved my problem.

The two last modifications before it works was :

In the configuration file of the SAMBA server :
obey pam restrictions = Yes
ldapsam:trusted = Yes
encrypt passwords = Yes

In the configuratin file of the NSS :
rootbinddn cn=chef,dc=server,dc=domaine,dc=fr

without forgotten the '/etc/ldap.secret' file with the password of the 'rootbinddn'.

Thanks again.

Vincent Farget a écrit :
Hi everybody,

I have one SAMBA server (with PDC configuration) which is configure to use an OpenLDAP server (on the same local server) where users and computers account are store (I want to have the two Unix/Linux and Samba account attributes stored to use Name Service Switch and Pluggable Authentication Module).

My problem is as follow :
If I don't put the following line :
-> user1:x:527:400:Utilisateur 1:/home/user1:/bin/bash
in the '/etc/passwd' file, for a user, or :
-> pc046$:x:1110:582:Compte PC:/dev/null:/bin/false
for a computer, I can't connect and I have the following error in the '/var/log/samba/log.pc046' log file :
[2006/11/28 11:51:48, 1] auth/auth_util.c:make_server_info_sam(840)
    User farget in passdb, but getpwnam() fails!
[2006/11/28 11:51:48, 0] auth/auth_sam.c:check_sam_security(324)
    check_sam_security: make_server_info_sam() failed with

however, on my local server, if I type 'getent passwd|grep
user1', I have/can see the following :
-> user1:x:527:400:Utilisateur 1:/home/user1:/bin/bash
and an 'ldapsearch -x -LLL' show me all my directory without any problems !!!!

I show several other mails from people who have the same 'getpwnam() fails!' error, but I didn't succeed in found the solution !!!

  So I want to know severals things :

1.) What seeks SAMBA precisely when it executes the 'getpwnam()' function ? One or severals specials OpenLDAP attributes ?

2.) In the file '/etc/ldap/slapd.conf', what is 'index' used for ?
Actually I have the following index :
# Indexing options for database #1
index           objectClass,uidNumber,gidNumber                eq
index           sambaSID,sambaPrimaryGroupSID,sambaDomainName  eq
Is these indexes Ok ?

I see that if I add the following line :
-> index           uid           eq
the 'ldapsearch -x -LLL' output is EMPTY !!!!

Here is my Debian Sarge server files configuration :
-> 'slapd' (OpenLDAP) v2.2.23-8,
-> 'samba' v3.0.14a-3sarge2,
-> 'samba-doc' v3.0.14a-3sarge2 with 'smbldap-tools' v0.8.7,
-> 'libnss-ldap' v238-1,


Thanks in advance for your help,
Best regards.

M. FARGET Vincent
IGE - Administrateur Systèmes / Informaticien de Laboratoire
UMR 5020 - Laboratoire des Neurosciences et Systemes Sensoriels
Universite Claude Bernard LYON 1 - CNRS
50, avenue Tony Garnier
69366 LYON Cedex 07
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