Hi Guido,

There are a set of ways to accomplish such task.
Some I use is:
1) Set obey pam restrictions = yes in the smb.conf file.
2) Set check password script = /usr/sbin/crackcheck -d /usr/lib/cracklib_dict
This check the user password against a dictionary. Crackcheck can be
downloaded from samba
The cracklib package must be installed for the dictionary to work.
3) Use pam pam_cracklib to set your password rules for lower/upper
characters, numbers, special characters, etc:
password    requisite     /lib/security/$ISA/pam_cracklib.so retry=3
minlen=8 difok=3 dcredit=-1 lcredit=-1
Or pam_passwdqc for the same thing:
password    requisite    /lib/security/$ISA/pam_passwdqc.so
min=disable,8,8,8,8 max=25 passphrase=0 match=6 similar=deny random=64
enforce=users retry=3
See the man pages for correct options values.
4) You can block users after X retries using pam pam_tally.so, but I
haven't tried this yet.

I think this can help you.

On 12/26/06, Guido Lorenzutti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Maybe I can do this with the "check password script". But I only found
the cracklib example. Anyone knows a way of doing this? Becouse the
cracklib example only check agains a dictionary.

Tnxs in advance.

Gary Dale wrote:
> I think you'll find at least some of these are Windows Policies and
> would not be reflected in the smb.conf file. If you check the Samba
> Howto collection and the Samba by example documents at samba.org,
> you'll find examples of how to set some of the policies.
> To be honest, I've never gone beyond requiring password changes,
> minimum lengths and histories.  :)
> Guido Lorenzutti wrote:
>> Hi people! I have a few problems with the password strength in Samba.
>> I have a PDC with LDAP on Debian Stable, with a few packages from
>> backports.
>> The problem is that I can't find a way to enforce strenght to the
>> passwords of the users. I can't define a policy to force things like:
>> number of uppercase letters, number of downcase letters, number of
>> numbers in the password, to check the diference between the new and
>> the old, to store a list of old passwords to check... I mean, things
>> that are requiered to enforce some policy of security by my company.
>> Bottom line? The users can put his username for password! Not even
>> that is checked...
>> It's something wrong in my setup or is a feature request? I see min
>> password length.. but.. the rest?
>> This is the important part of my setup:
>> [global]
>> #Network ID
>>        workgroup = JUSBAIRES
>>        netbios name = PDC
>>        netbios aliases = SERVER
>>        server string =
>> #Logs
>>        debug level = 0
>>        syslog = 0
>>        log level = 0
>>        log file = /var/log/samba/%m.%U.log
>>        max log size = 10000
>>        panic action = /usr/share/samba/panic-action %d
>> #Network Support
>>        name resolve order = wins hosts lmhosts bcast
>>        socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=65535 SO_SNDBUF=65535
>>        wins support = yes
>>        wins proxy = yes
>>        enhanced browsing = yes
>>        dns proxy = yes
>>        time server = yes
>>        local master = yes
>>        smb ports = 139
>> #LDAP
>>        ldap admin dn =
>> uid=alem-fs2,ou=security,dc=jusbaires,dc=gov,dc=ar
>>        ldap suffix = dc=jusbaires,dc=gov,dc=ar
>>        ldap group suffix = ou=Group
>>        ldap user suffix = ou=People
>>        ldap machine suffix = ou=alem,ou=Computers
>>        ldap delete dn = no
>>        ldap passwd sync = yes
>> #Printer Options
>>        printcap name = /dev/null
>>        printing = bsd
>>        load printers = no
>> #Security Options
>>        admin users = administrador lgiacchetta
>>        enable privileges = yes
>>        preferred master = yes
>>        lm announce = yes
>>        domain master = yes
>>        domain logons = yes
>>        encrypt passwords = yes
>>        pam password change = yes
>>        passdb backend = ldapsam:"ldap://
>> ldap://alem-ldap.jusbaires.gov.ar
>> ldap://alem-systemlog.jusbaires.gov.ar";
>>        passwd chat debug = no
>>        check password script = /usr/local/bin/crackcheck -d
>> /var/cache/cracklib/cracklib_dict
>>        unix charset = 850
>>        dont descend = .recycle
>>        delete veto files = yes
>>        restrict anonymous = 1
>> #Profiles stuff
>>        logon script = netlogon.%U.bat
>>        logon path = \\PDC\profiles\%U
>>        logon home = \\PDC\personal
>>        logon drive = H:
>>        hide files = /Desktop.ini/desktop.ini/
>>        hide dot files = yes

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Cleber P. de Souza
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