I have a PC running XP that several users share. I've logged in as them on it and right clicked on my documents and redirected it for each person to r:\my documents so that their roaming profiles will load faster. I've ran into a problem that when anyone logs out on this PC, XP attempts to synchronize my documents of everyone that has logged into that PC with folder redirection.

for example users awilliam, cdear, rcole, all have folder redirection on that PC, upon logout, a synchronization dialog box pops up with:

c:\documents and settings\awilliam\my documents synchronizing to \\server\awilliam\my documents c:\documents and settings\rcole\my documents synchronizing to \\server\rcole\my documents c:\documents and settings\cdear\my documents synchronizing to \\server\cdear\my documents

but, awilliam doesn't have write permissions to rcole and cdear, so XP pops up a login/password box. Only way to get rid of that dialog box is to stop and skip the synchronization. I'm running samba 3.0.23c on CentOS 4.4. Any suggestions?

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