Hi all;

When I access the data hosted in that share using others mount ways (except the smbmount/mount.cifs/mount -t smbfs/mount -t cifs) all works fine, downhere a benchmark:

1) Transfer a 500 mb file:
netcat - 27 seconds
ftp - 31 seconds
smbclient - 38 seconds
mounted (cifs) - 2:58 minutes

I'm having a big problem with delay mounting a share using smbmount or mount -t cifs.

First idea, wonder that could be the kernel (, I was having a locking issue too so I upgraded to for use CIFS (later, in other compilation, went to, same problem.

I already tried all "smb.conf tweaks" - like read raw, socket options and all that kind, nothing solved this problem. Already compiled the both kernels (server and client) with SMB/CIFS options and nothing seens to solve my problem. Here is my last smb.conf (just the basic - note: the smb.conf tweak don't change nothing in this case):

       workgroup = TEST
       netbios name = TEST
       valid users = @users
       admin users = @users

       comment = data
       path = /data
       read only = No

There are around 150 terminals which should access that share (that runs a Cobol's 35 Gb database), half users are Windows and for those, the access is just perfect, the others users should access from Linux using smbmount (or another way that I don't know) and they run directly to that longe delay scenario.

Thought that could be a DNS issue, so created a DNS (and Winbind) zone with everything OK, created /etc/hosts entrances for each Linux box (and at each client for the server) for eliminate this possibility, so, nothing change.

The CIFS logs at clients are alright (and in fact, if I map using smbfs instead CIFS, the efect runs just the same).

The commando used for mounting is:

mount.cifs // /data -o username=user,password=test

Note: the options recordio, noperms, nobrl and the whole meal were just tested.

samba version (from 3.0.23c to 3.0.23d)
kernel version (from to
name resolution
cifs for better performance

I'm just running out of possibilities, googling that I found some related problem (but without solution) to gigabits NICs - and my whole DMZ is 1000 mbps.

Can someone please give me a light? I'm just running out of options.


Stefano Schotten

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