Siju George schrieb:
> Hi,
> I was just wondering there if there is anything/setup to make a Samba
> 3/4 PDC to fetch MS Windows Updates from the Microsoft website and
> push it to the clients. Some thing Like WSUS?
> If it is not already th ere is there any plans to add this
> functionality to Samba?
> I am wondering how updates are done on Windows Machines under a Samba
> domain.
> The data transfer multiplies with the no. of clients right?
> May be one way is to put a caching server like Squid on the firewall
> and allow the cache to serve the requested file.
> Is there any other/better way than this?
> Thankyou so much
> Kind Regards
> Siju
Hi , you can use
this is a script which makes win updates but its not real samba related,
but very handy anyway

Mit freundlichen Gruessen
Best Regards

Robert Schetterer

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