
First you will need a [print$] share (which is where the drivers reside) as described here:
/var/spool/samba is for the print jobs, not the drivers.
Move "printing = cups" to global.  Add to global "printcap name = cups".
There are other options that you may want to set like "load printers" or "use client driver"

For installation, perhaps this is what you need:
It is quite involved. I hope I never have to use it. All our printers have Windows inf files for the "add printer wizard", or ppd files for CUPS.

If this doesn't work, consider foomatic/HPLIP packages.
Your printer is supported here: Setting up printing through Samba can be quite daunting/frustrating the 1st time.


Forrest D wrote:
I'm trying to share my HP 5610 on my Samba (3.0.24-1 fc6 x86_64) machine and
am running into a typical HP related SANFU.  The XP drivers supplied only
install through the installation program. (ie. I can't use device manager to point XP to the driver and install it) So I installed the printer on my
XP machine, used the installation program to install the drivers and then
shared the printer out and copied the folders and files in the print$ share to my samba machine /var/spool/samba/ (rwxrwxrwt) . I then restarted samba and when I connect to the printer on my XP machine it still asks me for the driver. I read somewhere that you have to force samba to recognize drivers installed this way and think this is what I have to do, but I can't figure
out how to do it.  Any help would be most appreciated.

Here is my smb.conf

   workgroup = MOYA
   server string =
   security = ADS
   username map = /etc/samba/smbusers
   log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
   max log size = 50
   preferred master = No
   local master = No
   domain master = No
   dns proxy = No
   wins server = #########
   ldap ssl = no
   cups options = raw

   comment = Home Directories
   read only = No
   browseable = yes

   comment = All Printers
   path = /var/spool/samba
   printable = Yes
   browseable = no
   printing = cups
   public = yes

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