Markus Krause wrote:
thanks for your answer!

Zitat von Felipe Augusto van de Wiel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
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On 02/27/2007 08:16 PM, Markus Krause wrote:
Thank you for your answer.
I actually did not point out exactly enough what i want to do,
sorry for that ...

I read these postings and also some sections in the samba howto
and several descriptions on the net, but i understand all these
in that way, that the samba server is reconfigured to use ldap
and "stays" there. at the moment we are some time away from
finally migrating all samba accounts, which are currently stored
in smbpasswd, to ldap and it is no option to take down and
reconfigure samba even for a short time.

    Hmmm, sorry, but I can see how you want to accomplish that.
You are changing the backend, you need to tell samba about this.
well, that exactly is the point, i do _not_ want to or better simply _cannot_ change the backend at the moment, i just want/need a snapshot of the current samba accounts in smbpasswd and _copy_ them in ldap. the samba server should not even know about that! the problem is that we can not switch off our samba server for even some minutes (at least without a notice several days in advance!), we have several terabytes of data, about 1500 accounts, and as the most of them are scientists and quite a lot are even working nights and weekends so there is actually no time the (samba) fileserver is not in (heavy) use... and to make some serious testing on reliablity (and a lot other things) i need just a copy of all accounts in ldap.
Can't you just make a copy of the smbpasswd file and then use the migration scripts on that?

Then, you should set up a version of the new server in a testlab and check for other issues like machine passwords etc.

so what i in fact need is a way to get a snapshot of the current
accounts and copy them into ldap, the samba server should/can/must
not be touched (i mean start/stop/reconfigure etc.) in any way
during this process. can this be done ?

    I'm not sure I _really_ understood what you want, but
using some of the famous migration script, you can create your
new LDAP database in a few minutes, them you need to tell
Samba to start using the new backend (LDAP) instead of the old
backend (smbpasswd file).
volker gave some hints on how to do this (using pdbedit and a separate config file) and i'll try that as soon i have compiled a version of pdbedit with ldapsam support included ... as soon i got this done i'll report in case someone else may search the archives ;-)


| Markus Krause, Mogli-Soft                                       |
| Support for Mac OS X, Webmail/Horde, LDAP, RADIUS               |
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|    Computing Center of the Max-Planck-Institute of Biochemistry |
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