hello everybody!

i have a samba (3.0.24) running on a gentoo (alpha) box.
i connect to a share using cifs and when i then run df -h, i get the following

        [EMAIL PROTECTED] distfiles % df -h
        Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
        /dev/sda1              34G   31G  3.3G  91% /
        udev                  759M  2.8M  756M   1% /dev
        shm                   759M   20K  759M   1% /dev/shm
        //axp/export          226E -240E  456E   -  /mnt/axp
        [EMAIL PROTECTED] distfiles %

which would be great indeed (except the minus of course...), but that's simply totally wrong.

when connecting with smbfs i get

        [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ % df -h
        Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
        /dev/sda1              34G   31G  3.2G  91% /
        udev                  759M  2.8M  756M   1% /dev
        shm                   759M   20K  759M   1% /dev/shm
        //axp/export          2.0T     0  2.0T   0% /mnt/test
        [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ %

that's wrong too.
the sizes should be about 153G used and about 45G available.
samba works normally, i use it since 1,5 years.
i first experienced this behavior some months ago, i had a lower version then.
since it does not really cause any trouble i forgot about it.
does anybody have a idea why this happens or were i could have a look?

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