Sez Christoph Peus:
Hi everybody,

I've joined a fileserver running samba 3.0.24 to an AD domain using winbind and noticed that samba maps the "users" group SID (5-1-5-32-545) to gid 1001 automatically. This seems to conflict with one of ~2000 mappings I had to "inject" in winbinds winbindd_idmap.tdb by use of net idmap dump/restore, because the fileserver had millions of files with certain uid/gid ownership from a local passwd/group before I did the "net ads join". The gid 1001 was allocated to the group "nawi" in /etc/group before.
I'm unsure now which problems could be caused by this regarding security.
Is it possible - and usefull - to change this mapping to get a "BUILTIN\users" group as expected?

Have you checked the "idmap" settings in your smb.conf? In particular, "idmap uid" and "idmap gid" specify the range of uid/gid values used to map to SIDs.
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