
my samba (3.0.24) installation on a linux/alpha is reporting wrong sizes.
here is a "df" output when the share is mounted with cifs:

Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1             34826980  34377184    449796  99% /
udev                    776492      2860    773632   1% /dev
shm                     776492        16    776476   1% /dev/shm
axp:/export          240165984 180941920  47024320  80% /mnt/nfs
//axp/export 254365418256376928 -269740988425888848 513315507581987260 - /mnt/axp

the axp:/export is the same directory exported with nfs. the sizes are right there.

when mounting the share with smbfs i get also wrong but not the same results.

Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1             34826980  34377184    449796  99% /
udev                    776492      2860    773632   1% /dev
shm                     776492        16    776476   1% /dev/shm
//axp/export         2147188740         0 2147188740   0% /mnt/test

this behavior was not changed through an upgrade from 3.0.22.
i tried with others clients (including windows). sizes are wrong there too.

this samba runs on gentoo linux (alpha). i have a second samba, same version running on a i586 with same building configuration and same compiler version used to build that reports right sizes.

does anybody know what could cause this?
could that be a architecture specific bug?

kind regards

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