Hi everybody,

i'm getting mad regarding a very serious (since it's happening on a
production server) issue with a samba domain joined installation.

This machine has worked perfectly for an year and the last configuration
tune up and version upgrade (3.0.23c) went along fine in the first days of

It's been two weeks approximately now since we started to have a bad issue,
a smbd lock causing a complete machine lock.

I don't wont to get too much into annoying details, but let's say that an
hardware problem has been ruled out, that there are no network
communications issues and that, most interestingly, we had the same issue
with another identically configured server.

In my young sysadmin career (6 years now) i've never seen such a failure,
one causing a linux machine to stop responding on console commands (even ps
aux, lsof...), never letting me to look at logs while on hang (console will
hang waiting for the file open), neither to kill processes hanging.
There's no CPU occupation, nor particular network activity neither resources
depleting: it just hangs there with no possibilities to recover it besides
an hardware machine reset.

All of this considered, i tried to debug the problem in every way, looking
for particular messages into every log and launching every samba related
daemon interactively and with debug level at 10: i obtained no particular
info, no write or read error, communications problems with the domain of any
nature. NMBD and SMBD processes just stop to work and hangs waiting, i
really don't know for what.

When it hangs i'm still able to communicate with open ssh sessions as long
as i i don't try to look for open processes or files. I suppose is something
related to name resolution and winbind rid mappings, but from what i've
gathered so far, i've no particular info to spot even possibly the problem.

Any help or suggestion from you would be very welcomed and appreciated.

Tomorrow i will setup another machine for the same purpose with an opensuse
10.2 and look what happens.

Thanks a lot in advance to everybody willing to help, i'll be happy to
provide you with any requested further info.


This is my smb.conf

  workgroup = AGBSOFT
  realm = AGBSOFT.CH
  netbios name = FTP
  server string = FTP Server
  wins server =,
  #client schannel = no
  idmap uid = 10000-200000000
  idmap gid = 10000-200000000
  idmap backend = rid:AGBSOFT=10000-200000000
  allow trusted domains = no
  winbind enum users = yes
  winbind enum groups = yes
  winbind use default domain = yes
  winbind nested groups = yes
  template homedir = /home/%D/%U
  template shell = /bin/bash
  load printers = no
  log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
  #log level = 8
  max log size = 0
  security = ads
  #password server = agbsoft-nt1.agbsoft.ch
  encrypt passwords = yes
  #os level = 23
  domain master = no
  preferred master = no
  local master = no
  inherit acls = yes
  inherit permissions = yes
  map acl inherit = yes
  store dos attributes = yes
  acl compatibility = win2k
  #acl group control = yes
  map hidden = no
  map system = no
  map readonly = no
  nt acl support = yes
  ea support = yes
  winbind offline logon = true
  winbind refresh tickets = true
  dos filemode = yes

  comment = "FTP"
  path = /ftp
  valid users = @"AGBSOFT\Domain Users"
  writable = yes

  comment = "Regressions Files"
  path= /ftp/istap/Regressions
  valid users = @"AGBSOFT\Domain Users"
  writable = yes
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