Stefan Drees schrieb:

> Hi,
> im using net rpc vampire to migrate users/ groups from nt4 to samba3
> with ldap backend.
> But the umlauts (äöüß) in the displayname are malformend.
> Unix charset in smb.conf is set to ISO8859-1.
> Any hint how to correct this?
> Regards
> S.Drees

Did you consider switching your unix charset from ISO8859-1 to UTF-8?
Windows does allow unicode characters in file names and in other places.
Translating them to ISO8859-1 will not always work.

Kind regards
Wolfgng Ratzka
Wolfgang Ratzka  Phone: +49 6421 2823531  FAX: +49 6421 2826994
Uni Marburg,  HRZ, Hans-Meerwein-Str., D-35032 Marburg, Germany

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