Samba 3.0.23a
Solaris 9

I have reecently upgraded my Samba server to the above version and joined an 
Active Directory domain. Since having achieved this I have been encountering 
a strange problem. 
On some of my printers the printing of banner pages is enabled. In some 
instances when a user submits a print job it prints with root as the owner
on the banner page and not the user's who submitted the job.
I have included the Global section of my conf file. Has anyone encountered 
this behavior?

# Global parameters
   netbios name  = my_netbiosname
   server string = %L
   workgroup     = my_workgroup
   browsable     = yes
   local master  = no

   allow hosts   = allowed-hosts
   hosts deny =

   security      = ADS
   realm         = mydomain

   password server = my password servers

   machine password timeout = 314496000
   name resolve order = lmhosts wins host bcast

   remote announce = x.x.x.x

   wins server = w.w.w.w

#  force Samba to bind only to hme0
   interfaces    = y.y.y.y/
   bind interfaces only = yes
   deadtime     = 0

   client lanman auth = no
   client ntlmv2 auth = yes
   client plaintext auth = no
   lanman auth = no
   ntlm auth = no
   enable privileges = no

#  Encrypt all passwords stored in /usr/local/samba3/private/smbpasswd
   encrypt passwords = yes
   smb passwd file   = passwd file
   username map = names file

#  not allowed to log in
   invalid users = invalid users

   writeable     = yes

#  Debug Logging information
   log level = 3
   syslog = 2
   log file = log.%m
   max log size = 2000
   debug timestamp = yes

#  printing stuff
   printing      = SYSV
   load printers = yes
   lprm command = cancel %p-%j
   use client driver = yes

# ---------------------------------------

----------------------------------- 0 ------------------------------------
Daulton Theodore                  </\    Tel: 613-520-2600 ext. 8352
Carleton University Library       _\\    Fax: 613-520-2750            
Systems Department                `/     Net: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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