Hello list members.
   I have a curious problem with Samba 3.0.20 on Slackware 11.
This net has 7 PCs and 6 of them "run" WinME. I have activated WINS support on the GNU/Linux/Samba server. When I do

ping servidor

on a WinME box, it pings to, which is the "oficina2" (WinME) box not "servidor" (Slackware). I've looked at the wins.dat file and found this: SERVIDOR has 3 entries, each one of them has as the first IP address followed by; which is wrong because I've set up the only ethernet adapter in "servidor" as and "oficina2" with I don't use DNS, /etc/hosts has correct values for <name> <IP> pairs. Please help me with this one because I can't solve this on my own.
   Thanks in advance.-

::   Nicolás Conde    ::

"...querer informarse sin esfuerzo es una ilusión que remite al mito publicitario antes que a la movilización cívica. Informarse fatiga. Ese es el precio que un ciudadano paga para tener el derecho de participar con inteligencia en la vida democrática."

               Ignacio Ramonet (Le Monde Diplomatique, oct/93).

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