Hi there, I just setup a Centos 5 server running samba 3.0.23c (as provided
by upstream via YUM). And it is Vista Business edition. Now I am looking for
a little clarification on this setup.

I have been reading on google and the list archives, about NTLMv2 auth and
the fact you need to make an edit with the secpol.msc. I did complete that.
I also read that I would need to add (which I have made note can be removed
as of samba 3.0.25) "host msdfs = no" to my smb.conf - which i also did in
the global section.

Now I have added the machine to the domain, without issue (according to
Vista), but when I try to log in (with a domain user), I get the error (from

"There are currently no logon servers available to service the logon

I again searched google for this error with regards to Samba and found

Upon looking in the samba log files, I found nothing in my
/var/log/samba/*.logs of error like. It all seemed like pretty standard
start up diolog.

So as a test I logged into the vista box with a local user, and mapped a
drive. That seemed to work without issue. I threw on a few folders and text
files. Again no issues.

Here is my smb.conf for reference:
       ### GENERAL ##
       domain logons = yes
       domain master = Yes
       netbios name = JKA
       os level = 255
       preferred master = yes
       security = user
       wins support = no
       workgroup = JKA
       ## SECURITY ##
       # disable LM authentication
       lanman auth = no
       lm announce = no
       # increase the minimum protocol
       # This disables win9x to win me
       min protocol = NT1
       # Allow these IP Addresses to connect
       hosts allow =
       # Anything else not allowed is, by default, rejected
       hosts deny = ALL
       ## LOGGING ##
       debug timestamp = yes
       log file = /var/log/samba/%U-%m.log
       log level = 2
       max log size = 9216
## LOGON ##
       ##  DK   ##
       # a user logon script
       logon script = %U.bat
       # Logon path used to enable roaming profiles
       # Comment out the blank one and uncomment the other to enable
       #logon path = \\%L\profiles\%U
       logon path =
       logon drive = H:
       logon home = \\%L\home\%U
       ## FILE LOCKING ##
       ## DK           ##
       # See:
       # http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/samba/chapter/book/ch05_05.html
       veto oplock files = /*.doc/*.xls/*.mdb/
       ## VISTA HACKS ##
       ### DK         ##
       # Can be removed as of samba 3.0.25
       host msdfs = no

       comment = Network Logon Service
       path = /home/samba/netlogon
       locking = No

       ;comment = Profile Share
       ;path = /home/samba/profiles
       ;read only = No
       ;profile acls = Yes
       ;create mode = 0600
       ;directory mode = 0700
       ;browseable = No

       comment = Home Directories
       valid users = %S
       read only = no
       browseable = no
       create mode = 0600
       directory mode = 0700

       path = /home/shares/public
       read only = No
       comment = Public Folders
       public = yes
       writeable = yes

Can anyone see anything funny about my conf? Note that I add the machine to
the domain via the command line due to an error I get with the useradd and
usermod tools (unrelated to this, so will not go into details). But in case
my command has any relivance, it is:

useradd -d /dev/null -g workstation -s /sbin/nologin theworkstationname$
passwd -l theworkstationname$
smbpasswd -a -m theworkstationname$

Any ideas?
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