I dont know what is the exact purpose of your question but... files can get the extensions changed, can be ziped, etc.

I always was a fan of updatedb and locate that is much faster than a find, but its a "first index then search tool". Its another option to find files with patterns in the names or specific extensions.

Theres some scripts on the net that make reports on disk usage, (you can make a cron job an receive e-mails about "huge" differences in specific paths), its usefull to see that someone uploaded his entire mp3 collection for the server for example, or tried to zip it and hide in some place. And use this to control disk usage.

Another thing that I done too was block some file extensions on the clients antivirus, some antivirus for M$ have management components too, so every time someone try to play some file a virus warning is displayed (I know, its not a proper solution, nor a good message to be displayed) and this is logged on the machine that runs the management server to be inspected later :)


Edmundo Valle Neto

Rune Tønnesen escreveu:
Dear Michael

You can use find it is a good unix tool

To get a
list of files in the home dir ending on mp3 use
find /home -name
"*.mp3" -print
To delete files in the home dir ending on mp3
find /home -name "*.mp3" -delete

search google for "find
examples linux" and you will get plenty

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