> Hello list,
> I'm trying to set up ntlm authentication for using 
> Unfortunately during the "ntlm dance" some errors occurs. It
> complains about Oversized message, Invalid request and ntlm_auth
> goes to defunc... ( broken pipe as we can see in apache error 
log file )
> apache   31623 31578  1 19:25 ?        00:00:00 [ntlm_auth] 
> Log file from apache is here:
> http://ncpnc.obsysa.net/combor/apache_arror.log
> I was trying to trace problem with strace but logfile contains
> nothing useful ( except the broken pipe information :) ).
> http://ncpnc.obsysa.net/combor/strace.log
> My share definition looks like below.
> Alias /auth/ntlm/ "/var/www/auth/ntlm/"
> <Directory "/var/www/auth/ntlm/">
>     AuthType NTLM
>     NTLMAuth on
>     NegotiateAuth off
>     NTLMBasicAuth on
>     NTLMAuthHelper "/usr/bin/ntlm_auth -d10 --option='auth 
methods =
> winbind' --helper-protocol=squid-2.5-ntlmssp"
>     NTLMBasicAuthoritative off
>     Require valid-user
> </Directory>
> Host is correctly joined to AD and users can browse thru samba 
> The most useful information about errors are in attached log 
> so im not going to repeat them here.
> Is there any other information I could supply to resolve the 
>Did you ever find a solution to this problem?

No, but i suspect it's a problem of amd64 architecture. I found 
workaround of this problem but its specific to my organization.

Opole - Miasto Bez Granic.
http://www.opole.pl - tu znajdziesz nowe miejsca, nowe możliwości, nowe 

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