We run Samba 3.0.24 on a FC5 and RHEL4-AS systems. Works great with windows clients, and OSX clients work great with it too except for one problem:

Whenever I restart samba (with /etc/init.d/smb restart) any OSX client that has a samba share open will lose that connection, and so if a person had a file open and was editing, all changes made since the last save are lost. This of course does NOT happen with windows clients, they are smart enough to recognize the link is reconnected. But OSX losses the link completely, and the share has to be remounted, which is really silly.

I'm not sure if there is some smb.conf setting that will fix this for OSX, and not screw things up for windows clients. Or maybe there is an OSX tweek to make on each client? I searched this list for OSX and found no similar problems. Arghgh.

Anyone see this behavior and know of a fix.

Our OSX clients are 10.4.9.

Thanks in advance,


This is normal behavior of OS X, I'm afraid. I would love to have a way around it too.


Well shoot, okay so it's normal behavior, but isn't there some system setting that can be changed on the mac that changes the behavior? There must be some fix for this, I mean this is nuts if that's just the way it is and there really is no way around it.

Is there any documentation you can point me to that talks about this issue? My boss uses OSX and I don't think he's going to be happy if I just say, " there is no way around it", and don't say nothing else.

I restart samba about once a week, adding new shares or policies on shares, so it's not like I can't restart it.


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