On Wed, 16 May 2007, Mike Fleetwood wrote:
We have folder PDL012 which behaves as though it is hidden for Windows clients only, not Linux clients, in 1 folder on 1 samba server only. Tried increasing the debugging level but didn't quite understand the ouput. The folder PDL012 does not appear in the logging when connecting from Windows client. Nothing related to hiding files is set in smb.conf, therefore defaults to off.

Samba version - 3.0.20
Platform - AIX 5.2

Can anybody offer any suggestions as to why, and how to resolve?

We have been doing some further testing. Using a Windows client to list a directory with a sufficient number of entries will result in one or more names being missed. Then I read through the Release Notes for Samba 3.0.20a <http://www.samba.org/samba/history/samba-3.0.20a.html> and saw these details:

  o Missing files from directory listings on AIX servers
  * BUG 3010: Fix missing files bug on AIX systems.

This matches our symptoms.  Will try upgrading.

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