Daniel Davidson a écrit :
> My problem seems to have been related to how the ldap records were set
> up.  Just so everyone knows the computer entry based off my config file
> should look like:
> # SIRGUAIN$, computer, igb.uiuc.edu
> dn: uid=SIRGUAIN$,ou=computer,dc=igb,dc=uiuc,dc=edu
> uid: SIRGUAIN$
> sambaSID: S-none-of-yo-bidness-1000
> objectClass: sambaSamAccount
> objectClass: account
> displayName: SIRGUAIN$
> sambaAcctFlags: [W          ]
> sambaPwdMustChange: 9223372036854775807
> sambaPwdCanChange: 1181057492
> sambaNTPassword: noneyobidnesseither
> sambaPwdLastSet: 1181057492
> Instead of:
> # lancelot1$, computer, igb.uiuc.edu
> dn: uid=lancelot1$,ou=computer,dc=igb,dc=uiuc,dc=edu
> objectClass: top
> objectClass: person
> objectClass: organizationalPerson
> objectClass: inetOrgPerson
> objectClass: posixAccount
> cn: lancelot1$
> sn: lancelot1$
> uid: lancelot1$
> uidNumber: 1009
> gidNumber: 515
> homeDirectory: /dev/null
> loginShell: /bin/false
> description: Computer
> gecos: Computer
> However smbldap-useradd created the latter.  What am I doing wrong that
> does this?

Perhaps you are missing the -a flag. Indeed, in order for
smbldap-useradd script to create a SambaSAMAccount entry, you need to
add the -a flag, whether you are running from command line or from
inside the smb.conf file. Excerpt from the smbldap-useradd help :
  -a    is a Windows User (otherwise, Posix stuff only)

Hope this helps,


> thanks,
> Dan
> On Mon, 2007-06-04 at 14:03 -0500, Daniel Davidson wrote:
>> I am having trouble adding machines to domains.  I enter a proper
>> username and password on the windows end, the ldap server executes the
>> proper script, the script executes properly, resulting in the right
>> entry into ldap as shown below:
>> # lancelot1$, computer, igb.uiuc.edu
>> dn: uid=lancelot1$,ou=computer,dc=igb,dc=uiuc,dc=edu
>> objectClass: top
>> objectClass: person
>> objectClass: organizationalPerson
>> objectClass: inetOrgPerson
>> objectClass: posixAccount
>> cn: lancelot1$
>> sn: lancelot1$
>> uid: lancelot1$
>> uidNumber: 1002
>> gidNumber: 515
>> homeDirectory: /dev/null
>> loginShell: /bin/false
>> description: Computer
>> gecos: Computer
>> However, the windows system does not have it join the domain, and give
>> an error saying "the user name could not be found."  Below is my config,
>> does anyone know what would cause this?
>> [global]
>>      netbios name = arthur
>>      workgroup = igbtest
>>      server string = igb test domain
>>      security = user
>>      encrypt passwords = yes
>>      local master = yes
>>      os level = 65
>>      domain master = yes
>>      preferred master = yes
>>      null passwords = no
>>      hide unreadable = yes
>>      hide dot files = yes
>>      domain logons = yes
>>      log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
>>      max log size = 50
>>      add user script
>> = /usr/share/doc/samba-3.0.24/LDAP/smbldap-tools-0.9.2/smbldap-useradd
>> -m "%u"
>>      add machine script
>> = /usr/share/doc/samba-3.0.24/LDAP/smbldap-tools-0.9.2/smbldap-useradd
>> -w "%u"
>>      add group script
>> = /usr/share/doc/samba-3.0.24/LDAP/smbldap-tools-0.9.2/smbldap-groupadd
>> -p "%g"
>>      passdb backend = ldapsam:ldap://
>>      ldap delete dn = Yes
>>      ldap ssl = no
>>      ldap suffix = dc=igb,dc=uiuc,dc=edu
>>      ldap admin dn = cn=ldapadmin,dc=igb,dc=uiuc,dc=edu
>>      ldap group suffix = ou=group
>>      ldap user suffix = ou=People
>>      ldap machine suffix = ou=computer
>>      ldap idmap suffix = ou=idmap
>> [netlogon]
>>       path = /var/lib/samba/netlogon
>> #     guest ok = Yes
>>       browseable = no
>>       write list = root
>> [homes]
>>       path = /home/%U
>>       browseable = no
>>       valid users = %S
>>       read only = no
>>       create mask = 0664
>>       directory mask = 0775

Denis Cardon
Tranquil IT Systems
10 rue du Docteur Bouchard
49400 Saumur
tel : +33 (0)

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