I am testing w/ a PC loaded w/ Centos 5 and Samba (whatever version it came with) I have not had any luck with connecting WinXP clients to it (or anything for that matter) I think my problems stem from not joining the domain correctly. What is the proper method for Win XP or WIn 2K . When I get a chance I am gonna connect a PC to my test network.
To join a domain, you would need (at least for NT)

Name of Domain
Admin account
Password for admin account
A unique Network Name for the PC. And you typically (at least thru XP) right click on the Computer Icon, > Properties > Network and Join the domain or change machine name to get on.

What do you do for Limux / Samba ???
You need,

root account, ???
root password ??? Uniique machine name ??? Do you try to join domain is same manner or is there a config file you got to edit ???

Any help or advice is welcome.

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