Chris Smith wrote:
On Wednesday 18 July 2007, Server Gremlin wrote:
What....?  I'm running the latest version of Ubuntu (Feisty Fawn, 7.04
Desktop Version) and nothing of the sort appears anywhere in the man page.

Nothing I can do about that.

Although it hasn't been a secret that smbfs has been, at best, "out of fashion" for a long time.

I tried mount -t cifs, and that mounted the filesystem with the server's
uid and gid numbers.  Anything owned by root on the server shows up as
root when I mount it on the client, though I can't change anything. Everything owned by something other than root on the server shows up as
random numbers.  The uid= and gid= parameters are being ignored, so I
can't change the ownership to anything that my local workstation user
can work with.  Any suggestions?

Does the server support the  CIFS  Unix Extensions?

man mount.cifs

maybe peek at "noperm"
Thanks, that finally did it. I've finally managed to mount the smb/cifs share on a local mount point by adding something like the following line to my fstab:

//servername/sharename /local/mountpoint cifs exec,credentials=/path/to/myfile,noperm 0 0

I have a few lingering questions if anyone could please help me out.

1) The man page for mount.cifs seems to imply that using "noperm" allows anyone logged into my workstation to mess with my files. This is fine for me because I'm the only one with a login on this workstation, but this really seems like an awful solution under any other circumstances. Isn't there a better way to do what I want...? (Just to reiterate: I have an SMB/CIFS share on a Linux Samba Server that I want to mount locally on a Linux workstation.)

2) What are CIFS Unix Extensions? I Googled and Wikipedia'ed around and found little... sounds like they're a part of Samba that makes Samba return uid and gid information from the server's filesystem to the client. If that's so, why in the world would I ever want to do this?

Thanks very much for your help,
- SG
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