Well, I read quite a few documents; thanks for pointing them out... And I 
got "it" working... 

The most important point I learned is P_a_t_i_e_n_c_e! You really have to wait 
a few minutes after having modified your smb.conf and restarted samba. And 
you have plenty of time to reboot your client, I am not sure whether you 
really need this, but anyway... it really takes quite some minutes before 
even the most limited changes have trickled through a (not really big) 

In general, I started removing lines from the "inherited" smb.conf, all lines 
of which I did not understand the purpose, and then restarting samba and the 
client, and see what happened.

I still have some questions, though...

First of all: what is a domain name in Samba? I only saw a workgroup name as 
the parameter. Just to try, I changed it into something completely different, 
and after some time I saw it appear as a workgroup. But then I could also 
enter it as a domain name (on W98 stations, anyway), and I could really log 
in to it.
Even though I now have a PDC on the domain LIEMERS-MUSEUM, and a BDC (without 
a PDC) on the domain LIEMERS2MUSEUM, it seems to work. So my conjecture for 
the moment is that the domain name equals the workgroup name. Right?

Second: in my inherited smb.conf, I have a share [users]. I do not know what 
it is for, but if I comment it out, the workgroup LIEMERS2MUSEUM vanishes 
from the Workgroups in the network Environment. So I guess it serves some 
purpose but which one?

Third: I read quite a lot about how to set up various servers, but not too 
many details on exactly what the SMB protocols do. I read something about 
elections, and I think that part is fairly clear to me, but I am quite 
curious about what several parties in the game are really doing. For 
instance, when a server comes up, how does the rest of the world know? I 
commented out the remote announce line, so I guess that is not part of the 
mechanism. Anyway, if the server is initially the only node in the network, 
this will not be significant anyway. If a client comes up, what happens? Does 
it broadcast its presence throughout the network? Do all servers respond? I 
also read something about browser nodes, but how are they established? How do 
they announce their presence?
In general: is there any detail documentation on MS SMB protocols, not just 
the message format but rather the exact mechanisms? They may be described 
somewhere, but I haven't discovered them yet...

I have more questions, but these are the most pressing ones at the moment. 
Thanks a lot in advance for any clues.
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