
Edmundo Valle Neto wrote:
Marcelo Mogrovejo escreveu:
Hello Edmundo


So, yes, i have configured this file already:
passwd: compat ldap
shadow: compat ldap
group:   compat ldap

I have downloaded the libnss-ldap file too but it's the same...

Yes, this package must be installed too, nsswitch.conf says where to read and libnss-ldap says how to do it when using LDAP. Normally answering debconf properly when installing the package is enough to make it work and messing with /etc/libnss-ldap.conf isn't needed.

I can't make it to work...

If i try to create a posixAccount in phpLDAPadmin it show me the error:
"Could not add the object to the LDAP server.

LDAP said: Object class violation
Description: You tried to perform an operation that would cause an undefined attribute to exist or that would remove a required attribute, given the current list of ObjectClasses. This can also occur if you do not specify a structural objectClass when creating an entry, or if you specify more than one structural objectClass."

Doesn't make much sense trying anything else if your NSS doesn't work, make it work isn't optional. If you have populated LDAP successfully with smbldap-populate at least the administrator and nobody accounts (or whatever was inserted in the base) must appear with getent. (you can make sure what was inserted doing a slapcat).
Ok with slapcat i see the user "testuser" created... but i saw it in
phpldapadmin before.
Here i cut and paste a last section of slapcat out:

dn: uid=testuser,ou=Users,dc=skull-one,dc=com,dc=ar
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: shadowAccount
cn: testuser
sn: testuser
givenName: testuser
uid: testuser
uidNumber: 1564
gidNumber: 513
homeDirectory: /home/testuser
loginShell: /bin/bash
gecos: System User
structuralObjectClass: inetOrgPerson
entryUUID: c1028b56-21df-102c-8a0d-63a789f5531c
creatorsName: cn=Manager,dc=skull-one,dc=com,dc=ar
createTimestamp: 20071108004614Z
userPassword:: e1NTSEF9KzM0SzNxejVOZnJLNTJzK3pkaGVYam11QWpSM1FYcE4=
shadowLastChange: 13825
shadowMax: 45
entryCSN: 20071108004653Z#000000#00#000000
modifiersName: cn=Manager,dc=skull-one,dc=com,dc=ar
modifyTimestamp: 20071108004653Z

And the rare is, when i create the account with smbldap-useradd -m testuser it create the home directory at /home/testuser but i don't know why it doesn't create a uid....

Ok, -m makes the home directory, but what do you mean by "doesn't create a uid"? Its only a perl script that inserts something in the base directly, it doesn't fail when lacking NSS. A dump of the base with slapcat doesn't show the user? The command give any error? If the user isn't in the base your smbldap-tools install is broken too.

I mean that i don't know why the user linux is not created, why i don't
see him with getent passwd.
The command work fine without errors.

So all of this means smbldap-tools is broken ??


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