Bai, Junmin wrote:
Thanks for your reply. I understand what you mean. The command
ldapsearch works fine and wbinfo -u and wbinfo -g work beautifully.

What do "getent passwd" and "getent group" do? I bet they hang after showing the contents of your /etc files.

It's openldap on solaris 8. Does it need any special configuration?

I admin a Linux system which authenticates against a W2K AD, and have the following NSS-related stuff in my /etc/nsswitch.conf:

nss_map_objectclass     posixAccount user
nss_map_objectclass     shadowAccount user
nss_map_objectclass     uniqueMember member
nss_map_attribute       uid sAMAccountName
nss_map_attribute       homeDirectory unixHomeDirectory
nss_map_attribute       shadowLastChange pwdLastSet
nss_map_objectclass     posixGroup group
nss_map_attribute       cn sAMAccountName

If your /etc/nsswitch.conf is missing these, add 'em and see if they make a difference.


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