On Wed, Dec 12, 2007 at 02:21:43PM -0600, Nathan VanHoudnos wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm running Samba Version 3.0.25c on Solaris 10 8/07 on X86 hardware.
> It's successfully joined to AD. 
> But, and there always is a but, if :
>  * A user is a member of SomeGroup
>  * and the share alllows SomeGroup to access it
>  * and SomeGroup is NOT what the user has set as their Primary Group in
> Active Directory 
> then 
>  * Samba will recognize that the user can access the share
>  * but, vfs_ChDir will fail  
> Consider a user, "vanhoudn", whose primary group is "WSG Staff". 
> If the share config is set to:
>  [arrakis]
>    path = "/export/arrakis"
>    comment = "Arraken Test share"
>    writeable = yes     
>    valid users = @"UIUC+domain users"
>    vfs objects = zfsacl
>    nfs4: mode = special
> The logs will spit out: 
> [2007/12/12 10:09:17, 10] smbd/share_access.c:(232)
>   user_ok_token: share arrakis is ok for unix user UIUC+vanhoudn
> [2007/12/12 10:09:17, 10] smbd/share_access.c:(274)
>   is_share_read_only_for_user: share arrakis is read-write for unix user
> UIUC+vanhoudn
> Which is good. And, we can see that samba is correctly finding all of
> the groups that this user is a member of... 
> [2007/12/12 10:09:17, 5] auth/auth_util.c:(474)
>   UNIX token of user 10000
>   Primary group is 10031 and contains 58 supplementary groups
>   Group[  0]: 10007
>   Group[  1]: 10008
>   <etc>

Doesn't Solaris still have a limit of 16 UNIX groups per
process token ? Or did that get fixed ? That would explain

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