Michael Adam wrote:
My last issue is that I seem to be unable to join the domain again.
net ads join -U mmchugh
Enter mmchugh's password:
Failed to join domain: failed to set machine spn: Constraint violation
 net rpc join -S students.froot.nau.edu -U mmchugh
Enter mmchugh's password:
[2008/03/06 05:02:47,  0] utils/net_rpc_join.c:net_rpc_join_newstyle(393)
Error in domain join verification (credential setup failed): NT_STATUS_INVALID_COMPUTER_NAME

Unable to join domain NAU-STUDENTS.

This is on a machine that was previously joined with 3.0.28

Could you provide level 10 logs and network sniffs (truss) of
this problem? Maybe the samba-technical mailing list or bugzilla
would be a more appropriate place for this.

Thanks again for your feedback - much appreciated!

Cheers - Michael

Realized I forgot to copy the list...

Thanks! I've created bug #5305, but I'm not sure how useful the logs will be. I tried tail -f'ing log.smbd but it does not seem to write on a net join.

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