Am Donnerstag, 6. März 2008 schrieb Lukasz Szybalski:
> After mounting a windows share via cifs I have came across the same
> issue as described here:
> "While using vim on files mounted under CIFS, when trying to write an
> existing file you will randomly be warned "The file has been changed
> since reading it!!!".  Normally, this only occurs when another user
> accesses and saves the between your opening and writing.  I can verify
> this is not the case and is not/was not an issue for files mounted under
> SMBFS.  I'm assuming there is a discrepancy between what the server
> machine is telling the client is the last modification or access
> date/time.
> "
> Is there an option for cifs that fixes this issue? This was on the
> list back in 2006 I'm not sure why it is still the case in 2008?

a) what version of cifs are you running? Outcome of "modinfo cifs".
b) what kind of operating system - *nix, windows or ... - is running
   on the remote box to which you connect via cifs?
In case you're mounting a remote samba server, are the "unix extensions"
Cheers, Günter

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