Running FC6 and Samba 3.0.24-11.fc6.
Workstation is XP Pro

Initially, after disabling SELinux and turning off Iptables, I could access
the shares that were set up.  Came in this morning ready to start copying
files and can't get in.  Prompts me for a username and password which is
rejected.  I know it's not my workstation because I have another FC6/Samba
server running and have no problem getting to it.  Here's what else I know:

1.  Samba log for my machine shows no errors.  In fact, shows me as

2.  Viewing connections to Samba through Webmin shows me as connected.

3.  Testing from the console connects me.

smbclient //Custer/ccarpenter -U ccarpenter
Domain=[HCCMHMRC] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.0.24-11.fc6]
smb: \>

4.  From the DOS prompt on my workstation, I can ping the Samba server by
name.  When I do a net view \\Custer it shows the shares.  When I do net use
m: \\Custer\Intranet it prompts me for a username and password and then

I have added user=ccarpenter to the share--no effect.  As far as I know, I
didn't make any changes to Samba after I got it working. 

It's probably something simple, but what am I missing?

Carl Carpenter
IT Manager
Hill Country Community MHMR Center

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