Please try to set combinations of

   winbind enum groups = No
and test again.

This could be the reason why getent groups never ends. This is known to be a problem with big AD user/groups databases.

Have a look at this and related paramters in <samba installation path>/swat/help/manpages/smb.conf.5.html

Oliver Weinmann schrieb:
It's the latest stable.
# smbd -V
Version 3.0.28a

        netbios name = rose8
        realm = VEGAGROUP.NET <http://VEGAGROUP.NET>
        workgroup = VEGA
        security = ADS
        encrypt passwords = yes
        password server = *
        os level = 20
        socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=16384 SO_SNDBUF=16384
        idmap uid = 1100-200000
        idmap gid = 1100-200000
        idmap backend = rid:VEGA=1100-200000
        allow trusted domains = no
        winbind enum users = yes
        winbind enum groups = yes
        template homedir = /home/%U
        template shell = /bin/sh
        preferred master = no
        winbind nested groups = Yes
        winbind use default domain = Yes
        #winbind separator = +
        #winbind normalize names = yes
        log level = 10
        max log size = 50
        log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
        dns proxy = no
        wins server = <>
        allow trusted domains = No
        client use spnego = Yes
        use kerberos keytab = true
        winbind offline logon = yes
I really appreciate your big effort. Thanks! On 4/29/08, *Dietrich Streifert* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    Which samba version do you use?

    Please post the global configuration section of smb.conf.

    Oliver Weinmann schrieb:
    Here could be a problem. I could not change our win 2k3 schema.
    They were afraid it could break something... tsss. So i had to
    use the idmap_rid module. Which does a good job actually. It uses
    the last portion of the AD users SID and adds it to a base set in
    smb.conf. I issued your commands:
bash-2.03# getent passwd | grep oweinmann
    oweinmann2:*:15042:1613:Oliver Weinmann2:/home/oweinmann2:/bin/sh
    oweinmann:*:11611:1613:Oliver Weinmann:/home/oweinmann:/bin/sh
    oweinmann1:*:15041:1613:Oliver Weinmann1:/home/oweinmann1:/bin/sh
    bash-2.03# id -a oweinmann
    uid=11611(oweinmann) gid=1613(domain users) groups=10(staff)
    bash-2.03# su oweinmann
    $ id
    uid=11611(oweinmann) gid=1613(domain users)
    $ id -a
the "id -a" as user "oweinmann" seems to get stuck. It just sits
    there. I noticed when issuing "groups oweinmann" as root it also
    gets stuck. On some users the "groups" command seems to be
    working on some other don't.

On 4/29/08, *Dietrich Streifert* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

        We have several installations where we use the two different
        AD schema extensions (SFU from Windows Services for Unix and
        rfc2307bis from Windows Server 2003R2) to put the needed
        information in.

        We are using the idmap_ad module to map the uid, gid, home
        etc. information from the AD.

        The local users and the AD users are completely separated. We
        do not mix up local users and AD users.

        The first basic test if the AD user information retreival is
        working is to use the getent command:

            getent <someADUser>

        So for a test user account I get:

            korund{root}[/]: getent passwd testuser

        If this works the first step is done.

        The second test is to get all related Information for one user:

        korund{root}[/]: id -a testuser
        uid=1004(testuser) gid=1000(visionet) groups=1033(devjavalib)

        The third test is to su - testuser and again try to issue
        both commands obove. If the retreived information is the same
        you should all be done (except from pam.conf which is another

        Oliver Weinmann schrieb:
        Could the problem be that the AD users are not in any of the
        local groups on the machine? How do you manage your AD users
        to be members of local groups e.g. staff, sys etc.? pam_groups?

        On 4/29/08, *Oliver Weinmann*
        <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

            there is nothing in /etc/profile and the user oweinmann
            has no .bashrc. The problem seems to be related to nscd.
            When nscd is turned on i can login and issue commands
            and I don't get kicked out of the ssh login. There is no
            idle session timeout set. If there was I would get
            kicked out when nscd is turned on as well. Only when
            logged in as an AD user I get kicked out...

            On 4/29/08, *Dietrich Streifert*
            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
            <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

                So there must be something in your bash init files,
                /etc/profile or ~/.bashrc (sorry I'm not a bash
                user) which causes the problem.

                Maybe something which forms the shell prompt like
                whoami etc.

                Maybe there is something like a autologout set for
                the csh or in sshd with idle session timeout.

                Oliver Weinmann schrieb:
no, there was nothing in /var/adm/messages, but
                guess what with the csh ls -alrt and such
                commands work fine... But i get kicked out of the
                ssh session after 2 minutes... :(

                On 4/29/08, *Dietrich Streifert*
                <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
                <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

                    Are there any messages in /var/adm/messages
                    which are related to nss ?

                    As I can see you are using bash as your shell.

                    Try using csh. Does something change?

                    Oliver Weinmann schrieb:
                    su to user oweinmann works but when i ussie
                    the ldd -r /usr/lib/ command it
                    gets put in the background.. :( i then do fg 2
                    and this is the output:
bash-2.03$ ldd -r /usr/lib/

                    [2]+  Stopped                 ldd -r
                    bash-2.03$ fg 2
                    ldd -r /usr/lib/ => /usr/lib/ => /usr/lib/
                   =>    /usr/lib/
                   =>     /usr/lib/
                   =>   /usr/lib/
                   =>    /usr/lib/

                    bash-2.03$ ls -alrt /etc/nsswitch.conf

                    [2]+  Stopped                 ls -alrt
                    bash-2.03$ fg 2
                    ls -alrt /etc/nsswitch.conf
                    -rw-r--r--   1 root     sys         1320 Apr
                    28 13:19 /etc/nsswitch.conf

On 4/29/08, *Dietrich Streifert*
                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
                    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

                        Please try to login (or su) to the user
                        oweinmann and issue then ldd -r

                        For some reason I think that non root
                        users are not able to read one of the
                        involved files.

                        This could be


                        or some of the files found by the ldd -r
                        command. The fact that you can issue
                        commands while nscd is running points to
                        this fact becaus nscd is running as root
                        and has permissions to read all of those

                        /etc/nsswitch.conf should be readable by

                        I compiled samba myself with a full stack
                        of openssl, iconv, heimdal kerberos,
                        cyrus-sasl, openldap and samba. While
                        people often speak of the Windows DLL hell
                        this is the Solaris shared library hell
                        :-( But it works.

                        Oliver Weinmann schrieb:
bash-2.03# ldd -r /usr/lib/ => /usr/lib/ => /usr/lib/
                       =>    /usr/lib/
                       =>     /usr/lib/
                       =>   /usr/lib/
                       =>    /usr/lib/
/usr/platform/SUNW,Ultra-5_10/lib/ I changed the permissions and files
                        exactly to be the same but i still cant
                        issue commands... :(

                        bash-2.03# ls -alrt /usr/lib/*
                        -rwxr-xr-x   1 root     other      74744
                        Apr 29 09:03 /usr/lib/
                        lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     other         25
                        Apr 29 09:04 /usr/lib/ ->

                        Could this also be a problem of a
                        compiling? Have you compiled the samba
                        yourself or are you using prebuilt packages?
On 4/29/08, *Dietrich Streifert*
                        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
                        <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>

                            which output gives ldd -r
                            /usr/lib/ ?

                            I have the following naming and
                            permission for nss_winbind:

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root other 16 Jan 15 2004 ->
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root other 44540 Apr 28 17:35

                            Please try with the exactly same
                            naming and permissions of your files.

                            Oliver Weinmann schrieb:

                                I will try to get hands on the
                                latest patches for solaris 8 and
                                see if that
                                fixes the nscd problems. I can't
                                believe that samba-winbind is not
                                100% well on a Solaris 8 machine.

                                On 4/28/08, Oliver Weinmann
                                <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>
                                    Just for fun i changed the
                                    perms of
                                    /usr/lib/ to 777

                                    bash-2.03# chmod 777
                                    bash-2.03# ls -alrt
                                    -rwxrwxrwx   1 root     other
                                         74744 Apr 28 13:32

                                    nscd is turned off. I can
                                    login as an AD users but I
                                    cant start any
                                    command. :(

                                    login as: oweinmann
                                    Using keyboard-interactive
                                    Last login: Mon Apr 28
                                    15:17:11 2008 from
                                    bash-2.03$ ls -alrt

[1]+ Stopped ls -alrt
                                    bash-2.03$ id

                                    [2]+  Stopped                 id
                                    bash-2.03$ group

[3]+ Stopped group
                                    bash-2.03$ echo "TEST"
                                    Some commands are working and
                                    some others are put in
                                    background and the
                                    session closes after one or
                                    two minutes?

                                    When I turn on nscd
                                    everything is fine, except ls
                                    -alrt not working.

                                    On 4/28/08, Gerald (Jerry)
                                    Carter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
                                        -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED
                                        Hash: SHA1

                                        Oliver Weinmann wrote:
                                        | forgot to mention that
                                        the nss_winbind links are
                                        | bash-2.03# ls -alrt
| lrwxrwxrwx 1 root other 28 Apr 23 14:30
| lrwxrwxrwx 1 root other 28 Apr 23 14:30
| lrwxrwxrwx 1 root other 28 Apr 23 14:30
                                        | /usr/lib/

                                        Check the perms on
                                        like it might be rwx for
                                        root only.

                                        cheers, jerry
                                        - --
Samba -------
Likewise Software ---------
                                        "What man is a man who
                                        does not make the world
                                        better?"      --Balian
                                        -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
                                        Version: GnuPG v1.4.2.2
                                        Comment: Using GnuPG with
                                        Mozilla -

                                        -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

-- Mit freundlichen Grüßen
                            Dietrich Streifert
                            Visionet GmbH
                            Firmensitz: Am Weichselgarten 7,
                            91058 Erlangen
                            Registergericht: Handelsregister
                            Fürth, HRB 6573
                            Geschäftsführer: Stefan Lindner

-- Mit freundlichen Grüßen
                        Dietrich Streifert
                        Visionet GmbH
                        Firmensitz: Am Weichselgarten 7, 91058 Erlangen
                        Registergericht: Handelsregister Fürth, HRB 6573
                        Geschäftsführer: Stefan Lindner

-- Mit freundlichen Grüßen
                    Dietrich Streifert
                    Visionet GmbH
                    Firmensitz: Am Weichselgarten 7, 91058 Erlangen
                    Registergericht: Handelsregister Fürth, HRB 6573
                    Geschäftsführer: Stefan Lindner

-- Mit freundlichen Grüßen
                Dietrich Streifert
                Visionet GmbH
                Firmensitz: Am Weichselgarten 7, 91058 Erlangen
                Registergericht: Handelsregister Fürth, HRB 6573
                Geschäftsführer: Stefan Lindner

-- Mit freundlichen Grüßen
        Dietrich Streifert
        Visionet GmbH
        Firmensitz: Am Weichselgarten 7, 91058 Erlangen
        Registergericht: Handelsregister Fürth, HRB 6573
        Geschäftsführer: Stefan Lindner

-- Mit freundlichen Grüßen
    Dietrich Streifert
    Visionet GmbH
    Firmensitz: Am Weichselgarten 7, 91058 Erlangen
    Registergericht: Handelsregister Fürth, HRB 6573
    Geschäftsführer: Stefan Lindner

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Dietrich Streifert
Visionet GmbH
Firmensitz: Am Weichselgarten 7, 91058 Erlangen
Registergericht: Handelsregister Fürth, HRB 6573
Geschäftsführer: Stefan Lindner

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