Am Mittwoch, 30. April 2008 schrieb Larry Alkoff:
> Guenter Kukkukk wrote:
> > Am Mittwoch, 30. April 2008 schrieb Larry Alkoff:
> >> Guenter Kukkukk wrote:
> >>> Am Mittwoch, 30. April 2008 schrieb Larry Alkoff:
> >>>> Guenter Kukkukk wrote:
> >>>>> Am Mittwoch, 30. April 2008 schrieb Larry Alkoff:
> >>>>>> Guenter Kukkukk wrote:
> >>>>>>> Am Mittwoch, 30. April 2008 schrieb Larry Alkoff:
> >>>>>>>> I am unable to find my Windows XP share (winpro) in Linneighborhood 
> >>>>>>>> which runs on my desktop Kubuntu Linux box.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> When I try to mount that Windows XP share I get the error message:
> >>>>>>>> 2139: session request to WINPRO failed (Not listening on called name)
> >>>>>>>> 2139: session request to *SMBSERVER failed (Not listening on called 
> >>>>>>>> name)
> >>>>>>>> SMB connection failed
> >>>>>>>> smbmt: Error: winpro _not_ mounted.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> The command line I'm using to mount Winpro is:
> >>>>>>>>     smbmount //winpro/lba  /mnt/winpro  -o guest,uid=lba
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> This line _used_ to work before I had a malfuntion on the winpro box 
> >>>>>>>> and 
> >>>>>>>> had to Repair XP.  Repair is similiar to a fresh install except many 
> >>>>>>>> (but not all) settings are kept.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Both winpro and the Kubuntu box are on the same workgroup and subnet
> >>>>>>>> with fixed IP.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Why is the winpro machine "not listening on called name" ?
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> I've been working on this a couple of days and suspect something in 
> >>>>>>>> the 
> >>>>>>>> Windows XP configuration but haven't made any headway.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Larry
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Are you sure, that you named that winxp box "winpro"?
> >>>>>>> Inside a windows cmdline window, use "nbtstat -n" to view the
> >>>>>>> registered netbios names. 
> >>>>>>> Also have a look whether the workgroup matches.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Btw - using 'smbclient -L winpro -U<username>%<password>' is an easier
> >>>>>>> way to check for availability of that remote box.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Also 'smbtree' can help to diagnose that problem.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Cheers, Günter
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>> Thanks very much for your reply Günter.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Clicking on Control Panel >System >Properties shows
> >>>>>> 'Full computer name' winpro
> >>>>>> and Workgroup LANET
> >>>>>> as expected.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> nbstat -n from winpro command prompt
> >>>>>> gives an error message
> >>>>>> "Failed to access NBT driver"
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> smbtree gives a full screen of shares from other computers
> >>>>>> but nothing from winpro.  The shares list other windows 98 computers.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> smbclient -L winpro -U<username>%<password>
> >>>>>> gives a '>' prompt that I can't do anything with
> >>>>>> except to re-enter my password.
> >>>>>> I then get
> >>>>>> "session request to WINPRO failed (Not listening on called name)
> >>>>>> session request to *SMBSERVER failed (Not listening on called name)"
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> smbclient -L winpro -U<username>
> >>>>>> session request to WINPRO failed (Not listening on called name)
> >>>>>> session request to *SMBSERVER failed (Not listening on called name)
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Some notes:
> >>>>>> My username and password is the same on both machines.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> The WXP computer has Service Pack 1 and 2.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> I can connect to shares on other machines from winpro.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Larry
> >>>>>>
> >>>>> Have you enabled "NetBIOS over tcp/ip" in the tcp/ip settings
> >>>>> of your network interface? I think, it's placed in the
> >>>>> WINS tab dialog page.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Cheers, Günter
> >>>>>
> >>>> Just looked again Günter.
> >>>> Yes, "NetBIOS over tcp/ip" is checked.
> >>>>
> >>>> Also iptables on the Linux machine is wide open (all policies ACCEPT).
> >>>> The entire internal LAN is behind a router/firewall of course.
> >>>>
> >>>> Larry
> >>>>
> >>> Then i don't understand the result from one of your recent posts:
> >>>     nbstat -n from winpro command prompt
> >>>     gives an error message
> >>>     "Failed to access NBT driver"
> >>>
> >>> Btw - it should read "nbtstat -n" (sorry, my fault)
> >>>
> >>> Cheers, Günter
> >>>
> >> Sorry Günter but I made a mistake with nbtstat -n.
> >> On winpro there was an old copy of nbtstat in a directory from Windows 
> >> 98 but on my path.
> >>
> >> I renamed _that_ nbtstat and then
> >> which nbtstat
> >> found the real nbtstat in \windows\system32.
> >>
> >> --------------------------------------------------
> >> The result of nbtstat -n
> >> Local Area Connection 3:
> >> Node IpAddress: [] Scope Id: []
> >>
> >>                  NetBIOS Local Name Table
> >>
> >>         Name               Type         Status
> >>      ---------------------------------------------
> >>      WINPRO         <00>  UNIQUE      Registered
> >>      LANET          <00>  GROUP       Registered
> >>      LANET          <1E>  GROUP       Registered
> >>
> >> Local Area Connection 4:
> >> Node IpAddress: [] Scope Id: []
> >>
> >>      No names in cache
> >> ---------------------------------------------------
> >>
> >> What does this result show for my problem?
> >>
> >> Larry
> > 
> > Have a look here how netbios names are registered and
> > what kind of resource type is used - the <00> or <1E>
> > in your output.
> >
> > 
> > Your windows box has not registered the name WINPRO<20>,
> > so it seems to me, that the peer/server service is not
> > running ...
> > Btw, 'nmblookup -S winpro' (done on your samba box) should also
> > list the registered names.
> > 
> > Inside a windows cmdline console, does 'net share' list your
> > exports? 'net statistics server' should also list some info.
> > 
> > Cheers, Günter
> > 
> Hello Günter
> I'm not sure what to make of the url you sent me
> but here is the results of all the tests you suggested.
> BTW, not only does winpro not show in Linneighborhood
> but it doesn't show in Network Neighborhood on a Win 98 box.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] samba # nmblookup -S winpro
> --------------------------------------
> querying winpro on
> winpro<00>
> Looking up status of
>          WINPRO          <00> -         M <ACTIVE>
>          LANET           <00> - <GROUP> M <ACTIVE>
>          LANET           <1e> - <GROUP> M <ACTIVE>
>          MAC Address = 00-16-17-EE-F4-F8
> c:\net shareShare
> -----------------
> name   Resource                        Remark
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> print$       C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\drivers
>                                               Printer Drivers
> C$           C:\                             Default share
> ADMIN$       C:\WINDOWS                      Remote Admin
> IPC$                                         Remote IPC
> C            C:\
> lba          C:\Documents and Settings\lba
> Printer      LPT1:                  Spooled  HP DeskJet 500
> The command completed successfully.
> c:\net statistics server
> ------------------------
> Server Statistics for \\WINPRO
> Statistics since 4/29/2008 12:43 PM
> Sessions accepted                  1
> Sessions timed-out                 0
> Sessions errored-out               0
> Kilobytes sent                     0
> Kilobytes received                 0
> Mean response time (msec)          0
> System errors                      0
> Permission violations              0
> Password violations                0
> Files accessed                     0
> Communication devices accessed     0
> Print jobs spooled                 0
> Times buffers exhausted
>    Big buffers                      0
>    Request buffers                  0
> The command completed successfully.
> c:\net statistics workstation
> ------------------------------
> Workstation Statistics for \\WINPRO
> Statistics since 4/29/2008 12:43 PM
>    Bytes received                               1055805
>    Server Message Blocks (SMBs) received        6373
>    Bytes transmitted                            663490
>    Server Message Blocks (SMBs) transmitted     6444
>    Read operations                              124
>    Write operations                             2
>    Raw reads denied                             0
>    Raw writes denied                            0
>    Network errors                               0
>    Connections made                             54
>    Reconnections made                           64
>    Server disconnects                           68
>    Sessions started                             111
>    Hung sessions                                0
>    Failed sessions                              0
>    Failed operations                            0
>    Use count                                    332
>    Failed use count                             84
> The command completed successfully.
> Regards, Larry

To me it still looks like your winxp "server"-service is not running
or some other related stuff has been messed up.
You can check that by using  
   Control Panel-> Administrative Tools -> Services
Have a close look at the "server" service to be up and running...
When you are there, also check the "Computer Browser" to
be running.

Anyway - this one seems not to be samba related.
Cheers, Günter

Btw - samba related stuff is also discussed on irc at
channel #samba.
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