On 5/16/2008 10:08 AM, L.P.H. van Belle wrote:
>>> set your resolve.conf to resolve on localhost first and set the 
>>> search order.
>>> example of the resolve.conf
>>> search yourlocaldomain.internal.local otherdomain.com
>>> nameserver
>>> nameserver ipofprovider

>> Much better to use the opendns servers than any randon ISP DNS...

> First why use open dns servers.
> the dns servers of your provider is much less hops away.

Hops really don't matter... most ISP DNS servers are unreliable... some
are extremely unreliable... I said 'random' meaning, it really wouldn't
matter what ISP you were using, I'd say the same thing...

> if you run you own dns server with caching modus on you have a very
> fast dns response and less traffic.

Of course... but we weren't talking about someone using their own full
DNS server, we were talking about using ISP DNS servers as forwarders...

> in this example i first point to you own dns server.
> ( i also have forwarding dns servers in my bind9 config )
> and i added 3 dns server of my provider in my resolve.conf

If you are running your own full blown DNS server, why on earth would
you use *any* forwarders? Just use the root servers.

But *if* you are going to use forwarders, then the opendns servers are
much more reliable - and from my experience, much *faster* too - than
any random ISP DNS servers someone might be using...

I agree one should, at a minimum, run a caching DNS server locally - but
again, use the opendns servers as your forwarders...


Best regards,

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