I'm slightly closer to finding the cause of this problem. I set the smbd log level to 7 and found the following entries when trying to list the contents of the share:

[2008/05/21 15:27:05, 5] smbd/uid.c:change_to_user(273)
change_to_user uid=(500,500) gid=(0,500)
[2008/05/21 15:27:05, 3] smbd/trans2.c:call_trans2findfirst(1704)
call_trans2findfirst: dirtype = 16, maxentries = 1366, close_after_first=0, close_if_end = 2 requires_resume_key = 4 level = 0x104, max_data_bytes = 16644
[2008/05/21 15:27:05, 5] smbd/filename.c:unix_convert(147)
unix_convert called on file "*"
[2008/05/21 15:27:05, 5] smbd/filename.c:unix_convert(246)
unix_convert begin: name = *, dirpath = , start = *
[2008/05/21 15:27:05, 5] smbd/trans2.c:call_trans2findfirst(1769)
dir=./, mask = *
[2008/05/21 15:27:05, 5] smbd/dir.c:dptr_create(392)
dptr_create dir=./
[2008/05/21 15:27:05, 3] smbd/dir.c:dptr_create(515)
creating new dirptr 256 for path ./, expect_close = 1
[2008/05/21 15:27:05, 4] smbd/trans2.c:call_trans2findfirst(1837)
dptr_num is 256, wcard = *, attr = 22
[2008/05/21 15:27:05, 5] smbd/trans2.c:get_lanman2_dir_entry(1255)
get_lanman2_dir_entry found ./. fname=.
[2008/05/21 15:27:05, 5] smbd/trans2.c:get_lanman2_dir_entry(1255)
get_lanman2_dir_entry found ./.. fname=..
[2008/05/21 15:27:05, 5] smbd/trans2.c:get_lanman2_dir_entry(1221)
get_lanman2_dir_entry:Couldn't stat [./Audio] (Permission denied)
[2008/05/21 15:27:05, 5] smbd/trans2.c:get_lanman2_dir_entry(1221)
get_lanman2_dir_entry:Couldn't stat [./DIRK_GENTLY'S_HOLISTIC_DETECTIVE_AGENCY.TXT] (Permission denied)
[2008/05/21 15:27:05, 5] smbd/trans2.c:get_lanman2_dir_entry(1221)
get_lanman2_dir_entry:Couldn't stat [./Foto's] (Permission denied)
[2008/05/21 15:27:05, 5] smbd/trans2.c:get_lanman2_dir_entry(1221)
get_lanman2_dir_entry:Couldn't stat [./HITCHHIKER'S_GUIDE_TO_THE_GALAXY.TXT] (Permission denied)
[2008/05/21 15:27:05, 5] smbd/trans2.c:get_lanman2_dir_entry(1221)
get_lanman2_dir_entry:Couldn't stat [./LAST_CHANCE_TO_SEE.TXT] (Permission denied)
[2008/05/21 15:27:05, 5] smbd/trans2.c:get_lanman2_dir_entry(1221)
get_lanman2_dir_entry:Couldn't stat [./Martijn] (Permission denied)
[2008/05/21 15:27:05, 5] smbd/trans2.c:get_lanman2_dir_entry(1221)
get_lanman2_dir_entry:Couldn't stat [./MOSTLY_HARMLESS.TXT] (Permission denied)
[2008/05/21 15:27:05, 5] smbd/trans2.c:get_lanman2_dir_entry(1221)
get_lanman2_dir_entry:Couldn't stat [./recycled] (Permission denied)
[2008/05/21 15:27:05, 5] smbd/trans2.c:get_lanman2_dir_entry(1221)
get_lanman2_dir_entry:Couldn't stat [./RESTAURANT_END_OF_THE_UNIVERSE.TXT] (Permission denied)
[2008/05/21 15:27:05, 5] smbd/trans2.c:get_lanman2_dir_entry(1221)
get_lanman2_dir_entry:Couldn't stat [./STARSHIP_TITANIC.TXT] (Permission denied)
[2008/05/21 15:27:05, 5] smbd/trans2.c:get_lanman2_dir_entry(1221)
get_lanman2_dir_entry:Couldn't stat [./temp] (Permission denied)
[2008/05/21 15:27:05, 5] smbd/trans2.c:get_lanman2_dir_entry(1221)
get_lanman2_dir_entry:Couldn't stat [./Video] (Permission denied)
[2008/05/21 15:27:05, 5] smbd/trans2.c:get_lanman2_dir_entry(1221)
get_lanman2_dir_entry:Couldn't stat [./YOUNG_ZAPHOD_PLAYS_IT_SAFE.TXT] (Permission denied)
[2008/05/21 15:27:05, 5] smbd/trans2.c:get_lanman2_dir_entry(1221)
get_lanman2_dir_entry:Couldn't stat [./Fotos] (Permission denied)
[2008/05/21 15:27:05, 5] smbd/trans2.c:get_lanman2_dir_entry(1221)
get_lanman2_dir_entry:Couldn't stat [./.Trash-pepijn] (Permission denied)
[2008/05/21 15:27:05, 5] smbd/trans2.c:get_lanman2_dir_entry(1221)
get_lanman2_dir_entry:Couldn't stat [./.Trash-500] (Permission denied)
[2008/05/21 15:27:05, 5] smbd/trans2.c:get_lanman2_dir_entry(1221)
get_lanman2_dir_entry:Couldn't stat [./volumeid.zbx] (Permission denied)
[2008/05/21 15:27:05, 5] smbd/trans2.c:get_lanman2_dir_entry(1221)
get_lanman2_dir_entry:Couldn't stat [./XXX] (Permission denied)
[2008/05/21 15:27:05, 5] smbd/trans2.c:get_lanman2_dir_entry(1255)
get_lanman2_dir_entry found ./test.txt fname=test.txt
[2008/05/21 15:27:05, 5] smbd/trans2.c:get_lanman2_dir_entry(1255)
get_lanman2_dir_entry found ./test2.txt fname=test2.txt
[2008/05/21 15:27:05, 5] smbd/trans2.c:call_trans2findfirst(1890)
call_trans2findfirst - (2) closing dptr_num 256
[2008/05/21 15:27:05, 4] smbd/dir.c:dptr_close_internal(238)
closing dptr key 256

The "Permission denied"s correspond exactly to the files and directories that are missing. As you can see, it somehow can't stat (whatever that is) the existing files, but it can the new files. Which is bizarre, since their permissions are the same. We need a real Samba internals guru. What exactly is it trying to stat, and how is it possible for that to succeed for some files but fail for others while having the same permissions?

Kind regards,
Pepijn Schmitz

Rubin Bennett wrote:
Unless I missed it there was no further discussion of ACLs?

Run mount on the linux box and look to see if that filesystem is mounted
with the acl option.  If it was, you can either remountit without ACLs
or reset the ACLs on the filesystem.

Run getfacl on the directory and see if there's anything out of bounds
there; that's quite frankly the only thing I can think of that would
cause this behaviour.  Disappearing files have *always* been due to a
mismatch between Samba permissions and those set by the underlying
filesystem in my experience (10+ years of Samba and counting).  Not to
say that it's impossible you've found something new and different, but
statistics say it's very likely a permissions/ acl issue.


On Wed, 2008-05-21 at 09:11 -0400, Jason Waters wrote:
What about settings windows to view hidden files and system files.  Do
they show up then?

Jason Waters

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Greene, Joe
Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2008 8:42 AM
To: samba@lists.samba.org
Subject: RE: [Samba] Existing files don't show up in share, new files do

His directory is already 777 and the 500 is the UID of pepijn on the
serve unless I miss my guess. I also had him check all permissions on
the directories above it to make sure they were at least 755 and they
were. BTW Pepijn, you might want o make sure that your userid is the same on
all of your linux boxes.. just check /etc/passwd to make sure username
Pepijn is userid 500, then on any system you have to change it, I
recommend running (as root) 'find / -user <olduid> -exec chown 500 {}
This may or may not have any affect on this problem. also check the
usermapping, maybe there is something there.
Joe Greene
UNIX Systems Administrator
Phone 317-707-2730
Fax 317-707-2397
Hours M-F 7am-4pm

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Jason Waters
Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2008 8:09 AM
To: samba@lists.samba.org
Subject: RE: [Samba] Existing files don't show up in share, new files do

Let's see if it's permissions(which is what I think it is).  chmod 777 *
in that directory and then see if it works.  Then we can figure out what
went on.  The uid of 500 of the new file seems strange.

Jason Waters

From: Pepijn Schmitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2008 7:56 AM
To: Jason Waters
Cc: samba@lists.samba.org
Subject: Re: [Samba] Existing files don't show up in share, new files do

Jason Waters wrote:
What parameters are set on the share?  Anything like map system, map

This is the share definition:

        comment = Multimedia Files
        path = /mnt/data/multimedia
        public = yes
        writable = yes
        printable = no
        write list = pepijn

So no map system or map hidden. I should also note that neither the
definition nor the contents of the directory have changed. The only
that happened was that the server, which used to be my router and
also, is now only a file server and no longer has a static IP address.

Are you using ACL's?

I don't think so. How can I tell?

What about giving us an ls -l of a
directory that isn't showing files.

Here's the ouput of ls -al on /mnt/data/multimedia:

total 2260
drwxrwxrwx 11 pepijn pepijn   4096 2008-05-17 14:13 .
drwxr-xr-x 10 root   root     4096 2008-05-16 19:58 ..
drwxr-xr-x  6 pepijn pepijn   4096 2008-05-17 14:16 Audio
-rw-rw-r--  1 pepijn pepijn 468919 2004-09-18 08:40
lrwxrwxrwx  1 pepijn pepijn      6 2005-01-17 22:13 Fotos -> Foto's
drwxrwxr-x 41 pepijn pepijn   4096 2008-03-15 23:27 Foto's
-rw-rw-r--  1 pepijn pepijn 292097 2004-09-18 08:40
-rw-rw-r--  1 pepijn pepijn 396618 2004-09-18 08:40
drwxrwxr-x  4 pepijn pepijn   4096 2002-07-01 02:32 Martijn
-rw-rw-r--  1 pepijn pepijn 372140 2004-09-18 08:40 MOSTLY_HARMLESS.TXT
drwxrwxr-x  2 pepijn pepijn   4096 2002-03-31 04:48 recycled
-rw-rw-r--  1 pepijn pepijn 333862 2004-09-18 08:40
-rw-rw-r--  1 pepijn pepijn 296645 2004-09-18 08:40 STARSHIP_TITANIC.TXT
drwxrwxr-x  2 pepijn pepijn   4096 2004-11-28 17:00 temp
-rwxr--r--  1 pepijn pepijn      5 2008-05-17 14:13 test2.txt
-rwxr--r--  1 pepijn pepijn      6 2008-05-17 14:08 test.txt
drwx------  4 pepijn pepijn   4096 2005-07-02 16:17 .Trash-500
drwx------  2 pepijn pepijn   4096 2005-04-02 13:54 .Trash-pepijn
drwxrwxr-x 10 pepijn pepijn   4096 2008-03-15 23:31 Video
-r-xr--r--  1 pepijn pepijn     80 2005-07-10 19:07 volumeid.zbx
drwxr-xr-x  4 pepijn pepijn   4096 2007-12-07 22:15 XXX
-rw-rw-r--  1 pepijn pepijn  24247 2004-09-18 08:40

When I mount the share on another Linux system using this command:

sudo mount -t cifs -o user=pepijn // roadrunner/

And then perform an ls -al in the roadrunner directory the output is as

total 2052
drwxrwxrwx 11    500    500    0 2008-05-17 14:13 .
drwxr-xr-x 22 pepijn pepijn 4096 2008-05-21 13:50 ..
-rwxr--r--  1    500    500    5 2008-05-17 14:13 test2.txt
-rwxr--r--  1    500    500    6 2008-05-17 14:08 test.txt

As you can see it only show the two test files I created since this
problem started.

Is it just files or does it happen to
folders too.
It happens with both.

Kind regards,
Pepijn Schmitz

Jason Waters
-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Pepijn Schmitz
Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2008 7:38 AM
To: samba@lists.samba.org
Subject: Re: [Samba] Existing files don't show up in share, new files do
*Bump* Does this ring a bell with anyone? I'm still at a loss and so it seems is everyone else... :-) In short: on one of my existing Samba 3.0 shares (Linux server, ext3 filesystem) all existing files have suddenly become invisible, but it is

still possible to create, modify and delete new files (and I see no differences between these new files and the existing ones). This happens

with Windows XP, Windows Vista, Linux CIFS and Linux smclient clients, so it is likely to be a server problem. I'm stuck and I'm hoping a bright mind from this list will be able to help! Kind regards,
Pepijn Schmitz
Pepijn Schmitz wrote: I found out this bizarre problem also occurs when I mount the share from another Linux system, so it does not appear to be related to Windows. To recap: one of my Samba shares suddenly mysteriously hides all existing files, while still working completely normally with any newly created files. The shared directory (/mnt/data/multimedia) looks like this: drwxrwxrwx 11 pepijn pepijn 4096 2008-05-17 14:08 .
drwxr-xr-x 10 root   root     4096 2008-05-16 19:58 ..
drwxr-xr-x  6 pepijn pepijn   4096 2006-07-02 15:49 Audio
lrwxrwxrwx  1 pepijn pepijn      6 2005-01-17 22:13 Fotos -> Foto's
drwxrwxr-x 41 pepijn pepijn   4096 2008-03-15 23:27 Foto's
drwxrwxr-x  4 pepijn pepijn   4096 2002-07-01 02:32 Martijn
drwxrwxr-x  2 pepijn pepijn   4096 2002-03-31 04:48 recycled
drwxrwxr-x  2 pepijn pepijn   4096 2004-11-28 17:00 temp
-rwxr--r--  1 pepijn pepijn      6 2008-05-17 14:08 test.txt
drwx------  4 pepijn pepijn   4096 2005-07-02 16:17 .Trash-500
drwx------  2 pepijn pepijn   4096 2005-04-02 13:54 .Trash-pepijn
drwxrwxr-x 10 pepijn pepijn   4096 2008-03-15 23:31 Video
-r-xr--r--  1 pepijn pepijn     80 2005-07-10 19:07 volumeid.zbx
drwxr-xr-x  4 pepijn pepijn   4096 2007-12-07 22:15 XXX
When I mount the share on another Linux system using mount -t cifs, the contents look like this: drwxrwxrwx 11 500 500 0 2008-05-17 14:08 .
drwxr-xr-x  4 root root 4096 2008-05-17 14:06 ..
-rwxr--r--  1  500  500    6 2008-05-17 14:08 test.txt
The test.txt is a file I created since this problem started and as you can see it's the only one visible. I can change its contents on the file server and see the changes on the client. I can manipulate the file on the client, even create new files, it all works perfectly. But I can't see any of the existing files or directories. It's utterly bizarre to me. I tried using smbclient, and it displays the same behaviour, so it really looks like the problem is on the server side. I tried "touch"ing the existing directories but that made no difference either. Does anyone know what might cause this strange behaviour? Kind regards,
Pepijn Schmitz
Pepijn Schmitz wrote: I am suddenly no longer able to see any existing files on one of my
shares, from my Windows clients.
I have a Linux server (Fedora Core 8) which used to be my firewall and
router as well as file and print server. There are two Samba shares on
it I have mounted on various Windows clients: my home directory and a
multimedia directory with my music and videos, etc. I mount the former
as H: on all my Windows machines and the latter as M:.
Recently I installed a new server to be router and firewall. I kept the
existing server as file server though, only it now no longer has a
fixed IP address, and it is no longer configured to be be the master browser. Since this change, my Windows clients no longer see the existing files
on the multimedia share! Some strange features of the problem are:
* It occurs on my Windows Vista Home Premium 64-bit machine, as well as
on my Windows XP SP2 machine, in exactly the same way.
* My home directory share doesn't have the problem, I can still see all
the existing files there.
* There are no errors connecting to the share from the Windows side,
nor do I see strange things in the logs on the file server.
* I can still create new files on the share from Windows! The new file
will show up locally on the file server (as verified by logging in with
SSH and checking the shared directory), and my other Windows client
will see the new file as well.
* I can also create new files locally on the file server, and these
will also show up on the Windows clients.
* I can see no difference between the existing files and any new files
created locally or through a Windows client. The file permissions are
all the same.
* The only difference between the two shares is that my home directory
is on the root filesystem (ext3) and the multimedia share
(/mnt/data/multimedia) is on a mounted ext3 file system (/mnt/data).
But this hasn't changed!
* While googling the problem I found some references to a "directory
name cache size" option which might be related, so I added a "directory
name cache size = 0" to my smb.conf, but that made no difference.
I've attached my smb.conf (I've removed all the comments for brevity).
I'll provide any log, trace or debug info if someone tells me how to.
Hopefully somebody here can help me!
Kind regards,
Pepijn Schmitz
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