Skip Guenter wrote:
*/1) //Should I have more than one "computer browser" on my lan /*/(~16 machines)/*/?/*

I'd read someplace that I should have 1 primary and 1 backup computer browser for up to 32 computers and then another backup browser for each additional 32 computers.
Do you know where you heard this? I've never heard of it and it seems wrong. As I understand it there is only the master browser role there is no concept of a "backup", in the event that the master goes down there is a new election and a new master is chosen. In any case 32 users is ridiculous there are people out there supporting thousands of users, I can guarantee they don't have one server per 32 users.

 os level = nnn (0 to 255)
 preferred master = yes/no
 domain master = yes/no
 local master = yes/no

All of these are fairly well explained in the man page.

OS level should be higher for the more reliable/important machine *IF* you have a reason to change it, the defaults will be fine for 99% of cases.

Preferred master use this if it is important that one machine is the master (i.e. if you have a domain) don't set it on more than one machine.

Domain master is only needed if your network spreads across multiple subnets. You should only have one per workgroup/domain.

Local master this is only really needed if you have a machine that you definitely don't want to be in charge of anything, otherwise the default of yes is fine.


*Michael Heydon - IT Administrator *
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