run script to capture all the following output
run gdb trans2.o then run the command x/400i  (may need to change
the number of lines)
search for the offending function call and see where it says it
is in the file

Kai Lanz wrote:

On Jun 6, 2008, at 10:10 AM, Herb Lewis wrote:

try doing an nm on the suspected .o file and see if the reference
to the function is there. That will prove which file(s) is comes
from than maybe you can determine which function it comes from.

Thanks, but I've already done that; I used "nm" to confirm that the
call to an undefined external function called
"unsafe_string_function_usage_here_size_t" was present in
trans2.o and in no other object file under source/smbd. The
trouble is there are 27 calls in trans2.c that have been
wrapped by safe_string.h and I haven't thought of a way to
determine which one is getting replaced by the "unsafe_"

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