What types of files are you trying to share?

If they are primarily small (under 100meg) files that you need read/write access to (especially documents), you might want to adopt some type of document management system like KnowledgeTree instead of using Samba. I suggest this not only because you get document management features, but KnowlegeTree works over http, and if you are using webdav you already have an Apache infrastructure set up.

At my last job, we used Subversion for the same purpose: distributed document management. However, using it for distributed document management requires training the staff to use TortoiseSVN (and disciplining them to use locks), and the Subversion experience is not intuitive to the "non-developer". KnowlegeTree has a much more intuitive flow for documents. However, Subversion can use WebDav as its interface, so the transition may not be too rough.

Subversion is very traffic efficient (in my opinion). The latest version of Subversion (1.5.x) allows you to mirror your repositories. Since most of the traffic is of a "read nature", mirroring your repositories will drastically reduce your WAN traffic. In fact, the only traffic across your WAN (if I understand the technology correctly) is the "diff" between the old document version and the new document version.

Because both of these solutions (Subversion and KnowlegeTree) work with Apache, you can authenticate to them using your Windows user base (either through mod_auth_kerb if you are using Active Directory or another Kerberos), or through mod_authnz_ldap to your Samba PDC (if you are using NT, there is also some way to authenticate to it, but I have never used it). However, fine grained file permissions in Subversion are a pain to set up and maintain, so if your ACL's run 40 lines each and are different for every file, stick to something else.

If you do go with Subversion, I recommend using Insurrection as a front-end to mod_dav_svn. Insurrection is very difficult to set up, especially if you need SSL support for it. But the time is worth it, since it gives a great user front-end for repo browsing. Throw in the Firefox TortoiseSVN menu plug-in, and you are good to go.

If the files are large and primarily read-only, set up a master server at one office, and mirror it to the other offices using rsync. Set up the remote samba servers as read-only, and the problem is solved efficiently. I don't know if rsync preserves ACL's, but I heard there was a patch in the wild somewhere...

I was very pleased how the Subversion solution came out, but I never set up remote mirrors for anything other than read-only backups. We added Trac for project and issue management, and made the non-developer staff use it. The working-copy thing was tough for them to get used to, but the webdav access worked well for them.

I just think straight Samba servers may be the wrong tool for what you are trying to do, though they may appear to be the simplest solution.

- Scott

Bill Baird wrote:
My company is approx 200 users. We have 10 offices each with 5-30 users
each. A few offices work independently, but there has been a lot more
inter-office work lately. I am looking for a way to provide fast local
access to files stored in the same office as the user, but also acceptable
performance for inter-office file transfers.

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