Try to replace the last three lines (map archive/system/hidden) with a
single line like this:

store dos attributes = Yes

This will ensure, that file attributes get correctly set by using extended
attributes (see the smb.conf manual for more details). I think, it's a lot
better way for storing Windows/DOS attributes, than using UNIX permission
bits. The most important thing to note is that you have to mount the shared
filesystem with the 'user_xattr' mount option.
That way, I could manage to copy the Default User folder to the netlogon
share including proper file attributes (like the system and hidden
attributes for desktop.ini files).

Your share definition is fully wrong, I think. Using "read only = Yes" and
"writable = Yes" have a probably unwanted behavior - it's because these
settings are equal (again, read the smb.conf man page, it's a very useful
reading for configuring Samba).

Gergely Kiss

2008/7/14 David Dzikowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

When I mount a drive via Windows XP and copy a file via Samba, the file
> appears to be copied. When I refresh the window in Windows Explorer,
> however, it disappears! When I copy the *same* file a second time, Windows
> asks me if I want to *replace* the file (as if it were there but I just
> can't see it). I've attached the Samba drive to my Windows XP machine and I
> can see the file that I copied so I know it's are being copied to the drive.
> It seems like Samba is hiding the file once it's copied to the drive for
> some reason. I've set the attribute browseable = yes, but that doesn't seem
> to solve the problem.
> This is my first foray into Linux and Samba. I am running Samba 3.2.0 and
> Unslung 6.10 on an NSLU2 device. I have a 500GB USB NTFS-formatted drive
> attached via a hub to the NSLU2 device.
> It seems like I may have a permissions problem. Here is my smb.conf file.
> Any suggestions would be much appreciated!
> ============================================================================
> [global]
> wins support = yes
> bind interfaces only = no
> interfaces =
> hosts allow = 192.168. localhost 127.
> log level = 1
> config file=/opt/etc/samba/smb.conf
> unix charset = CP437
> dos charset = CP437
> os level = 8
> workgroup = unslung
> server string = unslung
> printcap name = /opt/etc/printcap
> load printers = no
> max log size = 10
> security = user
> encrypt passwords = yes
> smb passwd file =/opt/etc/samba/smbpasswd socket options = TCP_NODELAY
> SO_RCVBUF=65535
> preferred master = no
> local master = yes
> domain master = no
> dns proxy = no
> preserve case = yes
> short preserve case = yes
> default case = upper
> case sensitive = no
> mangled names = yes
> null passwords = yes
> dos filetimes = yes
> veto files = /.ShareConfFile/quota.user/quota.user~/lost+found/$*/
> System Volume Information/
> delete veto files = false
> create mask = 771
> force create mode = 660
> force directory mode = 771
> directory security mask = 771
> map system = yes
> map to guest = Bad User
> guest account = guest
> name resolve order = wins lmhosts hosts bcast winbind
> use default domain = no
> browseable = yes
> #
> #
> [DISK 1]
> valid users=@"administrators",@"everyone"
> path=/share/hdd/data/
> read only = yes
> write list= @"administrators",@"everyone"
> browseable = yes
> guest ok = yes
> writeable = yes
> map archive = yes
> map system = yes
> map hidden = yes
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