Andrew Bartlett a écrit :
On Thu, 2008-07-17 at 11:18 +0200, Guillaume Rousse wrote:
Hello list.

Heimdal documentation still refers to Windows 2000 for Kerberos compatibility issues. Is there anything more recent somewhere, considering Windows 2003 and 2008, for instance ?

In particular, I'm quite curious to know if, when using a ldap-backend for heimdal, I could just copy my kerberos password attributes into the AD server, provided I'm using compatible encryptions, and expect it to work magically :)


Perhaps we need to step back a bit - what are you trying to do?
First, to establish a trust relationship between the two realms, as was already possible with previous heimdal/windows version. But I think compatibility informations given on documentation about encryption types supported by Windows have to be updated, I can't think Windows 2008 still supports only des-cbc-crc.

Second, I was looking at better way to sync users accounts between our new ldap-backed heimdal kdc and our windows AD. Currently, we have an automated task synchronising user entries into Windows LDAP from our Unix LDAP hourly, and a password-management CGI propagating password changes to both systems (using an ugly VB CGI on windows side to effectively change the password). I was wondering if the password handling stuff could be merged with the ldap synchronisation task, now we store kerberos keys in LDAP.

As I doubt from your answer it's not, I'm still interested about best way to handle AD user accounts remotely, without local windows code relay. Is there any issue directly modifying AD base through LDAP connection ? My windows colleage currently prefers to dump LDIF entries, and import them through a windows-specific tool. And how to set windows password from perl code ? I'm currently biased toward using an external smbpassword call, but maybe are they better ways.

Guillaume Rousse
Moyens Informatiques - INRIA Futurs
Tel: 01 69 35 69 62
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