This is not much dificult to implement first of all your should install samba 
on solaris and then configure PAM authentication for your system to LDAP, you 
can install ldap on same host or other machine, then your should 
install smbldap-tools  uitlity which can help you to integrate samba with ldap 

$ cat ~/satish/url.txt                                              

--- On Fri, 11/7/08, Jake Carroll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Jake Carroll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Samba] Solaris 10 + Samba + LDAP - how to?
Date: Friday, 11 July, 2008, 4:24 AM

Hi all,

Some of you may recall a little while ago I posted a fairly complex  
request about integrating samba into a solaris 10 fileserver and using  
Open LDAP as the primary authentication source. Well, I got no  
responses as I believe it may have been too complicated-a-request/ 

So, a simplification and some different questions.

1. I have a Solaris 10 x86 host that I'd like to run samba on
2. This same Solaris 10 x86 host is bound to an LDAP master (separate  
host!) to get authentication information for users who have fileshares  
on the host
3. I'd like to know how to go about...

...Setting up samba so that it can use the authentication information  
from the LDAP master (am assuming I need PAM here somewhere!), so that  
users can connect to the solaris 10 fileserver using their LDAP  
credentials, then r/w/x as the correct users, maintaining permissions,  
GUID's and UID's et al.

I don't think it is too complex a request, just needed simplification.  
Please let me know if anyone needs further details to work out a  
simple solution to this question.

Thanks for your time.


Jake Carroll | Senior Systems Programmer
The Queensland Brain Institute
The University of Queensland, Australia

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