On Fri, 01 Aug 2008, Steve Blackwell might have said:

> Miguel Da Silva - Centro de Matemática <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> The change I made in my vista boxes is:
> >> 
> >> Start->Run->secpol.msc<ENTER>
> >> Local Policies->Security Options
> >> 
> >> set to:
> >> 
> >> Network Security: LAN Manager authentication level->Send LM & NTLM -
> >> use NTLMv2 session security if negotiated 
> >> <OK>  
> >> File->Exit
> >> 
> >> Mike  
> >
> > If the problem is related to user authentication and the protocol used
> > in client-server negotiation, maybe could be of some help use "max 
> > protocol = LANMAN2" or "max protocol = NTLM".
> >
> > And also try to use plain text passwords.
> Tried all that too but it didn't help. The way I understand it
> (which can be sum1med up as very poorly), if the registry key on the
> Vista box
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\control\LSA\LMCompatibilityLevel
> is set to 3 and the smb.conf file has "client ntlmv2 auth = yes" then
> everything should be OK.
> I found this article: 
> http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc160954.aspx
> that helped a little.
> Are there any tests I can run that might help narrow it down to a
> problem with the user, the password, the Vista box or the Linux box?
> Steve

Obvious and silly question.... did you boot the box after the registry change?

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