On Tue, Aug 05, 2008 at 10:50:21AM -0500, Brian Foddy wrote:
> I have a quick question on hooking Samba to a large AD domain.   
> Following the excellent recipe at:
> http://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Samba_&_Active_Directory
> I see it states about half way down to join the machine to AD
> "Now to join your machine to the active directory. You will need the  
> user-name and password to a Domain Administrator account to do this. The  
> command you need to join the domain is net ads join -U sadwrn. This  
> should then ask you for a password, and print a domain join notice."
> Is this required to use a Domain Administrator account, or can any  
> normal user AD account be used?  I know AD doesn't allow anonymous  
> browsing, but can a normal non-admin account be used?  As I read through  
> it, I don't see any other special admin access required other the root  
> on the Linux machine.

Any account with the ability to join a machine to a domain can
be used. You only need this for the join operation, in daily
use no extra permission is needed (it acts the same way as a
Windows box in the domain).

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