
I have a problem with the removal of inheritance ACLs of subdirectories. It almost sounds like only adding ACLs work but removals of inheritance ACL's not.

By default the access rights (including ACLs) should be inherited, but it should also be possible to remove the access rights from any subdirectory. This is what I am trying to do, I have a share called media with some users / groups, all permissions from the media share (folder) is in inherited to any folder created below which works (below), The problem is when I try to remove access rights using windows XP right click security tab the remove doesn't work.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] # getfacl /data1/shared/media

# file: /data1/shared/media
# owner: usera
# group: root
user:userb:rwx               #effective:rwx
user:userc:rwx         #effective:rwx
group::rwx              #effective:rwx
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /data1/shared/media # getfacl New\ Folder

# file: New Folder
# owner: usera
# group: groupa
user:userb:rwx               #effective:rwx
user:userb:rwx         #effective:rwx
group::rwx              #effective:rwx
group:root:rwx          #effective:rwx
This is what I tried and didn't work, Right click on a folder as usera click Properties ->tab Security -> select an inheritance user click remove button, the following will happen the entry disappear as expected. then clicking the apply button the entry is back in the list, It looks like something is disallowing the remove of the the inherited access rights, I have tried the same thing with commend line using "setfacl -d u:userb::rwx New\ Folder" and it works without a problem, so I am not sure what I am doing wrong? My smb.conf is below.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Samba version: 3.0.28 (included with Solaris10 5/08)
Using UFS file system
cat smb.conf
      workgroup = organization
      netbios name = hosta
      realm = DOMAIN.LOCAL
      server string = Samba domain (%h)
      use kerberos keytab = true

      local master = no
      domain master = no
      guest account = guestacc

      security = ADS
      host msdfs = yes

      log level = 3
      max log size = 500

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; LDAP Section ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
      ;enable privileges = yes
      ldap admin dn = "cn=samba,ou=profile,dc=bnh,dc=com"
      ldap suffix = o=domain.com,dc=domain,dc=com
      passdb backend = ldapsam:"ldap://ldap1.bnh.com:389";
      ldap user suffix = ou=People
      ldap group suffix = ou=Group
      ldap machine suffix = ou=Hosts
      ldap ssl = no
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Printing Section ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
      printing = bsd
      show add printer wizard = yes
      printcap name = /etc/printers.conf
      lpq cache time = 30
      client use spnego = yes
      deadtime = 30

 comment = Media Share
 path = /data1/shared/media
 writable = yes
 create mask = 0777
 force create mode = 0777
 directory mask = 0777
 inherit permissions = Yes
 inherit acls = Yes
 inherit owner = yes

Eli Kleinman
B&H Photo Video, Inc.
420 9TH Avenue
New York, NY 10001 USA
Phone: 212-239-7500 Ext.2154

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