Greetings list:

OS :        Solaris 10 (sparc)05/08
Samba version:     11.10.0,REV=2005.
  I think his equates to on version 3.28

We have 2 shares on UNIX side that are used
to transfer files from Windows to Solaris.
One share is read-only and the other is writable
This is working great for the users.
The current setting is :

All clients are Windows XP.

Change We want to make
We want to add a protected share for a certain number
of users to access via password.

While not affecting the other shares
requiring users to enter a password.

I know we will have to change to :

After several attempts to accomplish this but have not had any success..

What I have done:
Added a UNIX user to smbpasswd
Added a UNIX group to /etc/group and added the UNIX user.

The below smb.conf does not work for the private area (logs).
It seems to *behave like* the security =share
as it pops up a "Greyed out box" with Guest in it
and prompts for a password.


/etc/group             logs::700:charles
/etc/sfw/private/smbpasswd charles:104:9CEBF93A3F7BA80A8B0EA5A7DF135B03:7112CEA3B9A87EBEC3B84CC6066091DE:[U ]:LCT-48CA6DF5:

smb.conf (not working)

        netbios name = samba
        server string = Samba Server
        workgroup = Workgroup
        security = user
        guest ok = yes
        map to guest = Bad User
        log file = /var/samba/log/log.%m
        dos filemode = Yes
        hide unreadable = Yes
        wins server =
        encrypt passwords = Yes
        null passwords = Yes
        domain master = No
        dns proxy = No
        os level = 50
        hide special files = Yes
        dont descend = lost+found
        preferred master = no
        max log size = 50
        log level = 9

        comment = SUN Share (read-only)
        path = /export/sunfiles
        force user = nobody4
        force group = nogroup
        inherit permissions = Yes
        inherit acls = Yes
        inherit owner = Yes
        dont descend =

        comment = Windows Share (write)
        path = /export/winfiles
        force user = nobody4
        force group = nogroup
        read only = No
        dont descend =

        comment = Logs Share
        path = /export/logs
        force group = logs
        guest ok = no
        write list = charles

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