Rubin Bennett wrote:
On Fri, 2008-11-14 at 17:17 -0700, Ted Hilts wrote:
In short this is the problem.  The XP Home machine called
"misty" cannot see any other machines.  It cannot see the Linux machines
and it cannot see the XP Home machines or the XP Pro machine.  In spite
of this blindness it can map to all the XP machines and define so-called
network places.  But "misty" cannot map through the SAMBA protocal used
by the Linux machines to make their shares available. All the other XP
machines can access these Linux shares. So this problem is unique to

Looking from the Linux side of the LAN the Linux machines can see
"misty" shares as in these following diagnostics generated from the
Linux machine called "Ubuntu" with the same OS name. ("misty" has the
static IP address and MS SP3). The diagnostics indicate that "Ubuntu"
can see the "misty" shares. The Linux machine "Ubuntu" has IP address

Here are those diagnostics: (disregard the error line "allow hosts"
associated with the smb.config file.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ nmblookup -d 2 '*'
params.c:Parameter() - Ignoring badly formed line in configuration file:
allow hosts
added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
querying * on
Got a positive name query response from ( )
Got a positive name query response from ( )
Got a positive name query response from ( )
Got a positive name query response from ( )
Got a positive name query response from ( ) *<00> *<00> *<00> *<00> *<00>
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ sudo smbclient -L misty -U ted -W peggyted
[sudo] password for ted:
params.c:Parameter() - Ignoring badly formed line in configuration file:
allow hosts
Domain=[MISTY] OS=[Windows 5.1] Server=[Windows 2000 LAN Manager]

        Sharename       Type      Comment
        ---------       ----      -------
        IPC$            IPC       Remote IPC
        SharedDocs      Disk
        C               Disk
        D               Disk
Domain=[MISTY] OS=[Windows 5.1] Server=[Windows 2000 LAN Manager]

        Server               Comment
        ---------            -------

        Workgroup            Master
        ---------            -------

In addition I obtained some advice but am not sure what to make of it. All the following is that advice.

 >> Look into that XP Home / Samaba. I would do some more research "samba xp
registry hack"

 >>I remember having to use the below at one point.

 >>Network "Sign or Seal" Registry Change
 >>The following registry entry needs to be changed:

>>end of advice.

When XP first came out, this was valid advice.  It hasn't been for
several years now though.

Your diagnostics are thorough but flawed - you don't have to have
working shares to be able to list them from smbclient.  You'd be better
off to test them using smbclient -U ted //ubuntu/ShareDocs
Once you authenticate successfully, you should be able to do a directory
listing in the share.

You also should be able to browse from teh XP machine via the Ubuntu
server's IP address:
Start -> Run -> \\
That *should* return a list of shares and you should be able to descend
into them if all is working.

Re: the error:  NEVER disregard error messages, they *always* mean

I presume that you're only trying to have workgroup browsing, as you
already know that XP Home can't do domains?

I think my problem is with "misty" not with "Ubuntu".

You said:

"Start -> Run -> \\" (remember is the "Ubuntu" machine IP 
address and your XP instructions are applied to "misty" which has IP address The results 

"Windows Explorer
\\ is not accesible. You might not have permissions to use this network 
resource. Contact the administrator of this service to find out if you have access 
permissions. The account is not authorized to log in from this station."

Both "misty" and "Ubuntu" have the same account name which is "ted" and ted is me -- the administrator for both. Both "misty" and "Ubuntu" use the HOSTS and LMHOSTS files and the proper information is in each of them. Static IP addresses are used for all machines in the LAN. The addresses and names are properly correlated for each machine. Both can ping each other and any other machine in the LAN. The "Ubuntu" smb file properly shows that "misty" is an acceptable host and the user "ted" is an acceptable user.
As shown earlier "Ubuntu" can see the "misty" shares but cannot do a smbmount on these shares.  What has been said of 
"Ubuntu" is also true of "gateway" (not the command) machine which is a Suse Linux distribution. Both Linux machines get the same 
reactions from "misty".  All the other XP machines behave properly except for "misty". The problem appears to be uniquely with 

Thanks -- Ted

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