Running a Ubuntu 8.04 server with Samba 3.0.28a + IceWM + WebMin + Thunar

Samba is up and running

Confused about setting up the actual share space and rights for yearbook students and video students

I see something like this at root:
a shares folder /shares and inside it 2 folders --- yearbook and video students in the 2 groups will each have individual logins and home directories - all of the yearbook students will also have read/write access to the yearbook share but cannot access or browse the video share I am working from the CL so Linux commands to setup these shares would be great -- I also have Webmin up and running

Last would be the share setup in the smb.conf file. Any examples would be very helpful

Your local public school geek thanks you !! I've been doing some reading - but some examples would be of great help!

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