my server crashes every 90 minutes. There is no helpfull message in any logfile, the only thing i can see is that smbd consumes 100% CPU. The server hangs completely, no access to console, no networking. This might have something to do with user logout. This server stands in a school and about 150 pupils log out after each lesson. I assume it has nothing to with printing, as printing is done directly over cups. I use loglevel 2.
My smb.conf (excluding many shares):
        workgroup = ORG_ANYWHERE
        netbios aliases = fileserver silber
        passdb backend = ldapsam:ldap://localhost
        encrypt passwords = true
        idmap backend = ldap:"ldap://localhost";
        ldap suffix = dc=org_anywhere,dc=schule
        ldap user suffix = ou=accounts
        ldap group suffix = ou=groups
        ldap machine suffix = ou=hardware
        ldap idmap suffix = ou=idmap
        idmap uid = 80000-799999
        idmap gid = 800000-900000
        ldap admin dn = cn=root,dc=org_anywhere,dc=schule
        ldap ssl = off
        invalid users = @wheel, mail, daemon, adt
        interfaces =
        bind interfaces only = yes
        log level = 2
        syslog = 2
        log file = /var/log/samba-%G.log
        getwd cache = yes
        keep alive = 60
        dead time = 50

        share modes = yes
        max xmit = 17384
        locking = yes
        map hidden = yes
        map archive = yes
        map system = yes

        security = user
        encrypt passwords = yes
        domain master = yes
        domain logons = yes
        preferred master = yes
        wins support = yes
        os level = 30
        time server = yes
        logon script = %U.cmd

        logon path =
        logon home =
        logon drive = p:

        #printing =
        #printing = cups
        #load printers = yes
        #printcap name = cups

        dos charset = 850
        unix charset = ISO-8859-15
        display charset = ISO-8859-15

        #comment = BBS1-Drucker
        #path = /var/spool/drucker
        ##browsable = no
        #browsable = yes
        #public = yes
        #guest ok = yes
        #writable = no
        #printable = yes
        #printer admin = root, administrator, weissmann, @lehrer
        ##admin users = @lehrer

        #comment = Druckertreiber
        #path = /samba/druckertreiber
        ##browsable = yes
        #browsable = no
        ##guest ok = no
        #guest ok = yes
        #read only = no
        #write list = administrator, root

        comment = Anmeldedienst fuer die Domaene
        path = /samba/netlogon/%G
        locking = no
        public = yes
        writable = no
        browsable = no
        guest ok = no
        volume = "Netzwerk"
        #login script %u.bat is created by this process:
root preexec = /usr/local/src/samba-scripte/netlogon-preexec.sh %u %I %m %T %G

        comment = Benutzerprofile
        path = /samba/profile
        create mode = 0600
        #force group = susers
        directory mode = 0700
        writable = yes
        browsable = no
        profile acls = yes

        create mode = 0764
        browseable = no
        valid users = %S
        guest ok = no
        writeable = yes
        path = /home/%G/%U
        volume = home
I compiled Samba3.3.0 on OpenSUSE 11.1 with this flags:
Using FLAGS = -O -D_SAMBA_BUILD_=3 -I/usr/local/src/samba-3.3.0/source/popt -I/usr/local/src/samba-3.3.0/source/iniparser/src -Iinclude -I./include -I. -I. -I./lib/replace -I./lib/talloc -I./lib/tdb/include -I./libaddns -I./librpc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_GNU_SOURCE -Iinclude -I./include -I. -I. -I./lib/replace -I./lib/talloc -I./lib/tdb/include -I./libaddns -I./librpc -I./popt -DLDAP_DEPRECATED -I/include -I/usr/local/src/samba-3.3.0/source/lib -D_SAMBA_BUILD_=3
      PICFLAG    = -fPIC
      LIBS       = -lcrypt -lresolv -lnsl -ldl
      LDFLAGS    = -pie -Wl,-z,relro -L/usr/lib64 -L./bin
      DYNEXP     = -Wl,--export-dynamic
      LDSHFLAGS  = -shared -Wl,-Bsymbolic -Wl,-z,relro -L/usr/lib64 -L./bin
      SHLIBEXT   = so
      SONAMEFLAG = -Wl,-soname=
BTW: I tried to set CFLAGS to -O0 with export CFLAGS="-O0" but "-O" isn't the same as "-O0"?

What can I do to reproduce that error? Simply logging out or shutting down _one_ PC does not suffice.
What can I do to track down my error?
This error occured after the update to OpenSUSE 11.1. The official SuSE version had the same weakness.
The owner of the hanging smbd is root.
I changed from nss-ldapd to nss-ldap but that didn't help me with this problem.

Any help is appreciated, thanks a lot
M. Mueller

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