ElihuJ wrote:
> Hi all, for the life of me I cannot figure out this problem. I'm trying to
> get Samba working with my AD environment. No matter what I try I cannot seem
> to get it working. Mind you, I can authenticate to the server if I type
> wbinfo -a username. I was also successful in joining it to AD. My problem is
> when I try to access a share, say Home, I get a message asking for a
> user/pass which it rejects. Here is my smb.conf:
> [global]
>     workgroup = ADSSERVER
>     netbios name = ArchDesktop
>     server string = Samba Server
>     hosts allow = 192.168.2. 127.
>     log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
>     max log size = 1000
>     security = ADS
>     encrypt passwords = yes
>     winbind enum users = yes
>     winbind enum groups = yes
>     winbind use default domain = yes
>     winbind nested groups = yes
>     winbind separator = +
>     idmap uid = 600-20000
>     idmap gid = 600-20000
>     template shell = /bin/bash
>     realm = ADSSERVER
>     preferred master = no
>     dns proxy = no
> [Home]
>     comment = My Home Directory
>     path = /home/admin
>     read only = no
>     inherit acls = yes
>     inherit permissions = yes
>     create mask = 700
>     directory mask = 700
>     valid users = @"ADSSERVER+Domain Users"
>     admin users = @"ADSSERVER+Domain Admins"
> [tmp]
>     comment = Temporary File Space
>     path = /tmp
>     read only = no
>     inherit acls = yes
>     inherit permissions = yes
>     create mask = 700
>     directory mask = 700
>     valid users = @"ADSSERVER+Domain Users"
>     admin users = @"ADSSERVER+Domain Admins"
> If anyone can point me in the right direction it would be much appreciated.
> Thanks.

What is in your /etc/nsswitch.conf file?  Have you enabled winbind
resolution for passwd and group?

- John T.
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