My two cents.....

.- It would be pretty damn nice if it could fill and LDAP provided
that the correct settings are already setted on smb.conf.


I have two small java programs.

.- One takes output generated by Pointdev Migration(trial mode), a few
CSV generated files, that have SID's (groups and users), groups
memberships, and passwords and generate an LDIF that can be feed
directly into OpenLDAP. My program takes info from the CSV and created
the samba info and the Posix Accounts (users and groups) and creates a
ldif for a samba server fully configure to use LDAP and edit:posix, it
succesfully migrates a NT4, Win2x (in native and mixed mode) . It even
keeps password. Doesn't migrate machine accounts.

.- The other one, "reads" a Active Directory and creates a equivalent
OpenLDAP's LDIF output of user and groups accounts. Generates Samba
and Posix Account info. Since password are not stored in Active
Directory all password are reseted to a "12345678" string and users
forced to change it at first logon

I can share em' if you want to use it and modify it to suit your needs.

I would like to modify em to be able to take a Windows Domian
Controller and Migrate it to Samba4 when it comes out.
I would like to modify em to be able to take a Samba Domian Controller
and Migrate it to Samba4 when it comes out.

Which takes me to a logical question.... will samba4 provide a
migration mecanism from Win2x (mixed or native) or samba3?

Best Regards

Victor Medina

Fran Lebowitz  - "Life is something to do when you can't get to sleep."
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