Here is the script that we use to create the home directory when the user first 
logs in.

humboldt samba # cat
# Creates home directories when account is created
# gregorcy
# Created: 03/21/2008
# Last Mod: 06/10/2008 - Added the if for is fac and cleanup
# Variables
blessed="The permissions have been fixed "
subject1="does not have valid email in our LDAP"
subject2="A user is missing their homedir on  $hostname the home dir has been 
created but the old homedirs should be checked for data"
ldapmail=`ldapsearch -D "cn=***,ou=***,dc=*****,dc=utah,dc=edu" -b 
"ou=***,dc=***,dc=utah,dc=edu" -w ***** -x -LLL "(sAMAccountName=$1)" mail | grep mail | 
sed 's/......//'`
ldapfac=`ldapsearch -D "cn=***,ou=***,dc=****,dc=utah,dc=edu" -b "ou=***,dc=***,dc=utah,dc=edu" 
-w ********* -x -LLL "(sAMAccountName=$1)" memberof >> /tmp/testfac`

grep -q Faculty /tmp/testfac isfac=$?
echo $isfac

# functionville
function createbless () {
        touch /home/CHEMENG/$1/.blessed
        echo "$blessed" >> /home/CHEMENG/$1/.blessed
        #chown root:root /home/CHEMENG/$1/.blessed
        chmod 700 /home/CHEMENG/$1/.blessed

# scriptage
if [ ! -e /home/CHEMENG/$1 ]; then echo "The home dir for "$1 "was not found probably was not migrated "> $emailmes mkdir /home/CHEMENG/$1 echo "Created the home directory but should check trashheap or CHE-2551-30 for old stuff" >> $emailmes
        mail -s "$subject2" supp...@*** < $emailmes
        rm -r $emailmes

if [ ! -e /home/CHEMENG/$1/.blessed ]; then
        mkdir /home/CHEMENG/$1
                if [ $isfac = 0 ]; then
                        xfs_quota -x -c "limit bsoft=61440M bhard=63000M $1" 

if [ $isfac != 0 ]; then xfs_quota -x -c "limit bsoft=3072M bhard=3200M $1" /home
#cp -r /etc/skel/* /home/CHEMENG/$1/*
        chown "$1:CHEMENG+Domain Users" /home/CHEMENG/$1
        chmod -R 711 /home/CHEMENG/$1   
                if [ -z $ldapmail ]; then       
                        echo "Add the attribute mail to the user $1"> $emailmes
                        echo "then manually :( create the .forward in 
/home/CHEMENG/$1" >> $emailmes
                        echo "Or add the email attribute to the AD and delete the .blessed 
file " >> $emailmes
                        mail -s "$1 $subject1"  supp...@***  < 
                        rm -r $emailmes
                        createbless $1
                        exit 0
        touch /home/CHEMENG/$1/.forward
        echo "$ldapmail" >> /home/CHEMENG/$1/.forward
        #chown root:root /home/CHEMENG/$1/.forward
        chmod 700 /home/CHEMENG/$1/.forward
        createbless $1
        # mod the public_html folder so apache can see it
        chown -R "$1:apache" /home/CHEMENG/$1/public_html
        chmod -R 751 /home/CHEMENG/$1/public_html
        chmod -R g+s /home/CHEMENG/$1/public_html


# Clean Up
rm /tmp/testfac

exit 0

# Notes
# Basic premise for the .forward add
# touch /home/CHEMENG/$1/foo.txt
# echo "grego...@***" >> /home/CHEMENG/$1/foo.txt

# LDAP Search String
# ldapsearch -D "cn=***,ou=********,dc=*********,dc=utah,dc=edu" -b 
"ou=*********8,dc=********,dc=utah,dc=edu" -w ******** -x -LLL 
"(sAMAccountName=********)" mail | grep mail
# Output looks like this:
# mail: j...@***

Adam Williams wrote:
see root preexec = in the man page. so when they go to %U$ (such as using logon home = z: ) it will run a script that creates the required directory in /home/pc/

Ken Lupo wrote:

I am attempting to dynamically create user shares when they connect to the
server based on their username. I cannot use [homes]. My reasoning for this
is that the users require a $ at the end of the share or it becomes
confusing to them(long story). What I'm seeing is that some Windows XP
clients will connect to /home/<username> but other clients try to connect to
/home/<username>_ (with an underscore). For a work around I have symlinked
all home folders from <username> to <username>_

Here is my smb.conf file:

        workgroup = PC
        realm = PC.DOMAIN.COM
        server string = FILE
        security = ADS
        log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
        local master = No
        idmap uid = 16777216-33554431
        idmap gid = 16777216-33554431
        winbind use default domain = Yes
        winbind offline logon = false
        store dos attributes = Yes
        ea support = Yes
        dns proxy = no
        socket options = TCP_NODELAY IPTOS_LOWDELAY SO_SNDBUF=8192
        inherit acls = yes
        inherit permissions = yes
        map acl inherit = yes

        path = /home/PC/%U
        comment = Homes
        read only = No

Any help would be greatly appreicated.

Thank you,
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