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[G. L. `Griz' Inabnit]

> Good day,
>       I recently aquired a Mustek 6000 III EP Plus parelell port scanner. As 
> root,
> it works wonderfully.
> libsane        1.0.4-2        API library for scanners
> sane           1.0.4-1        Scanner graphical front-ends
> xsane          0.70-1         a gtk based X11 frontend for SANE (Scanner A
> xbase-clients  4.1.0-2        miscellaneous X clients
> Athlon 850 Tbird
> 1.5 gig ram
> Abit KT7A-Raid
> Printer port set to EPP in CMOS
> /etc/inetd.conf line;
>       sane            stream  tcp     nowait  saned.saned     /usr/sbin/saned 
> saned

you have to run saned as root (although not recommende in the man-page).
just replace saned.saned by root.root.

>       I fought with the setup/install of this poor flatbed for hours and 
> hours.
> Trying multiple variations of this-that-and-the-other-thing. Nothing seemed
> to work. But when I did a 'scanimage  --list-devices' as root, sure enough it
> was there (I had su'd to root in an xterm to do this). I could not figure out
> what the complaint was with xsane other than being told that no devices
> existed for use. The scanner was seen, id'd, and said to be working, yet when
> I called xsane as a user (griz), I was told there where no scanning devices.
>       Accidently, I started 'xsane' in the xterm that I had su'd to root in.
> PRESTO!! It not only came up and ran (after the bitchbox)!! Also,it beat the
> hell outta the speed it ever had in Windon't (BravoZulu people!!). So, then I
> tried it as a user again. Nothing. (sigh)
>       So, onto Google. Do a search for 'xsane mail list'. Bang! There is one!
> Fantastic!! They have an archive. Life IS Good! Search the archive. Find two
> messages, one from Richard (CC: above)
> {http://www.mostang.com/pipermail/sane-devel/2001-July/000079.html}
> and another from jochen
> {http://www.mostang.com/pipermail/sane-devel/2001-July/000082.html} stating
> that the sane.d server would cure the problem.
>       Uh, it didn't. :--)  Although I'm not honestly sure I've set it up
> correctly, nor do I know how to assertain if the daemon is actually running.
> 1.    Which device is this scanner connected to? I do not have anything in 
> /dev
>       that screams out "I'm the scanner!" and I don't see anything in
>       /var/log/messages (nor dmesg | less).
the scanner is not attached to a device, the driver accesses it directly.

> 2.    How can I reconfigure the machine so that regular users have access to 
> the
>       scanner, software, use w/o su'ing to root?
run saned as root, use passwords to protect the service (see man saned,
man sane-net & man scanimage)

> 3.    Are there any log files for sane/xsane? I do not find anything in /var 
> or
>       anywhere else to speak of.
if you run saned from the command line with option -d128 you'll get debug

>       At this time I'm fairly sure it's a simple permissions issue, but I've 
> yet
> to discover WHICH packages needed corrected or which device I may need access
> to.
>       Please keep Richard included on any responces to me, please. As we are
> working on this together. And if there is any other System Info (e.g versions
> of software, hardware info, log files, etc) required,  just let me know and
> it will be included on the next mailing to the list.
> Respectfully,
> Griz
- -- jochen

- -- 
Things are more like they used to be than they are now.

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